加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息【12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?】
没车好纠结啊~想赶在boxing week结束前去crossiron mills看看呢...查了下到达方式,要么是需要打电话预约的shuttle bus,或者是one-way ICE,或者只有weekend发车...http://www.crossironmills.com/visitor-information/getting-here/ 请问以上三种交通方式大家有用过的么?怎么看着都那么麻烦+不靠谱呢...= =或者有包车一起去的么?有别的交通方式能够抵达也行啊? 谢谢谢谢了~~~
回复: 12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?where do you live?
回复: 12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?where do you live?点击展开...估计迟了。
走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。回复: 12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?I tried to go to Cross Iron mills on the boxing day, however.... couldn't make it. The traffic was disastrous, the road was like sardine and you could never find a parking spot around the mall, so people started to park their cars on the side walk... After got jammed on the road for one and half hours, we decided to give up, and managed to get out of there and got back on highway #2... after jamming for another hour!
赏 I tried to go to Cross Iron mills on the boxing day, however.... couldn't make it. The traffic was disastrous, the road was like sardine and you could never find a parking spot around the mall, so people started to park their cars on the side walk... After got jammed on the road for one and half hours, we decided to give up, and managed to get out of there and got back on highway #2... after jamming for another hour!点击展开...这么夸张? 还好俺没去~
回复: 12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?You could go online shopping.
回复: 12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?每年都这样,高速上就开始堵。去年走错路倒走进去了。今年没敢去凑热闹。
09年08投妥;09年10RN;10年2月补料完成;10年3月08IP;10年11月14日查询caips后补学时料 ME啊,终于在4月7日到北京中介,4月27体检,11月4日地址栏消失,11月17日下午2:30在马来西亚收到了PL的电话12月5日中介寄香港,2012年1月12日早上收到大信封,终于毕业! 4月12日飞往卡尔加里回复: 12.31或者1.1之后有去crossiron mills的么?I'm just wondering is there any good store had good deals in Ironcross thats worth a visit?
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