加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问卡尔加里的健康卡是三个月生效吗?
回复: 请问卡尔加里的健康卡是三个月生效吗?如果你在登陆卡尔加里90天内办理的话,医疗保险在你登陆卡尔加里之日起生效。90天以后的话就不同了。这个问题我发邮件问过AHCIP,下面是AHCIP的回答(回复日期2013-9-4,注意第三段)Persons moving permanently to Alberta from another part of Canada must register with Alberta Healthbefore the first day of the fourth month after the date of arrival. If the application is received before this date, coverage is effective the first day of the third month after arrival. If the application is not received within the required time, the effective date is determined at the time of registration. All provinces follow the same procedure when establishing effective dates of coverage. If you apply within the specified period, the province you are leaving continues to provide coverage until your new coverage begins.Persons moving permanently to Alberta from another country must register with Alberta Health within three months of arrival. If all Canada entry documents are in order and the application is received within 90 days from date of arrival, coverage is effective the date of arrival. If the application is not received within 90 days, the effective date is determined at the time of registration. Persons can not apply for AHCIP coverage until they are physically here in Alberta.至于如何办理的话,开个传送门:http://www.health.alberta.ca/AHCIP/how-to-register.html
回复: 请问卡尔加里的健康卡是三个月生效吗?谢谢楼上,明白了。
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