加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息询问几道驾照笔试题目:
正在努力学习笔试CLASS 7, 这里必须得开车, 不然冬天会冻坏的。。。有几道试题, 在书本上找不到答案, 知道的请解答一下:谢谢!
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:先这一问题, 后面遇到不会答的, 在贴上来。。。3. If you are in a collision you must: A. Stop to give assistance and to give your name and insurance information to others involved in the collision.B. Stop only if the collision is serious.C. Stop only to check whether damage has occurred.D. Stop to give assistance and to give your name and insurance information to others involved in the collision only if someone is injured.
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:8. When approached by an emergency vehicle (ambulance, fire or police) from any direction, and it is sounding a siren, you must yield the right-of-way by: A. Immediately move clear of any intersection.B. Stop until the emergency vehicle has passed and check that no other emergency vehicles are approaching.C. Drive as closely as possible to the right curb or edge of the two-way roadway.D. All of the above.是不是选D?
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:3a
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:3a。8不清楚,我觉得是b
我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:8d
2007年2月8日fn2012年2月13日S2回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:谢谢大家的解答 。。。还在准备中。。。 以前考过别的省的笔试, 但是因为没想开车, 就过期了, 现在还得再重考。。。
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:谢谢大家的解答 。。。还在准备中。。。 以前考过别的省的笔试, 但是因为没想开车, 就过期了, 现在还得再重考。。。点击展开...请问一下,你已经参加了CLASS7的考试了吗?如果没有的话,你的这个考试题目是从哪儿里找到的,我现在也是在学习CLASS7中,谢谢了
加拿大生活中回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:ICBC的网站上没有答案吗?多做几次上面的模拟题,足够了
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:3a 8d
Enjoy your life请问一下,你已经参加了CLASS7的考试了吗?如果没有的话,你的这个考试题目是从哪儿里找到的,我现在也是在学习CLASS7中,谢谢了点击展开...http://practiceexam.keys2drive.ca这上面有好多题, ,慢慢做吧。。。
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:Here has another one, I think A and B both are Ok, but sure, only one solution is right, so which one ? 1. As a driver you should: A. Carefully watch the car behind you.B. Constantly check the sides of the road and all of your mirrors, as well as the road ahead.C. Carefully watch the car ahead of you.D. Rarely look in your mirrors.
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:4. During which times are you required by law to use your headlights? A. All the time.B. Between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.C. Whenever you cannot see 150 metres ahead.D. B and C are correct.
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:受不了了。汽车幼儿班没毕业。
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:4. During which times are you required by law to use your headlights? A. All the time.B. Between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.C. Whenever you cannot see 150 metres ahead.D. B and C are correct.点击展开...A
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:受不了了。汽车幼儿班没毕业。点击展开...是呀, 确实是的。。。 如果不是汽车幼儿班, 也不来发帖求助。。
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:Here has another one, I think A and B both are Ok, but sure, only one solution is right, so which one ? 1. As a driver you should: A. Carefully watch the car behind you.B. Constantly check the sides of the road and all of your mirrors, as well as the road ahead.C. Carefully watch the car ahead of you.D. Rarely look in your mirrors.点击展开...B,如果只能一个。
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:Here comes another one, I want to choose D, right or wrong ? 8. Is it permitted to drive over the speed limit in order to complete a passing maneuver? A. No, never.B. Yes, in order to pass safely.C. Yes, if you pass several vehicles.D. No, unless another vehicle signals from the rear that you are blocking the passing lane.
回复: 询问几道驾照笔试题目:交通符号好记, 但是描述开车时应该注意的种种细节, 不太好记。。。
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