关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。 赏 2014-06-17#2 M 785 $0.00 教育局是CBE,但去哪里报道我不知道,我小孩4岁,好像是只要去附近学校
Registering non-canadian studentsThe Admissions and Assessment Office at Kingsland Centre is open for current registration and for pre-registration for the 2013-14 school year. Kingsland Centre is open in July and August to register non-Canadian students for the new school year. Many new families arrive during this time, so making an appointment as early as possible is advisable. Appointments may be made until June 28th, 2013, and beginning again on July 15th, 2013. To book an appointment, please call 403-777-7373 (ext. 1).If your child is not a Canadian citizen, you will need to register at the Admissions Office at Kingsland Centre. If you are a permanent resident or you are here on a work or study permit, registration into the Calgary Board of Education is done by the Admissions Office. This is also the case even if your child has attended school elsewhere in Canada.Phone 403-777-7373 to ask questions about registration or to make an appointment.Kingsland Centre is located at 7430 5th Street S.W. Calgary. Click here to see a map.Kingland Centre also provides other services to assist newcomer families. Click here to learn more.Admissions Office The Admissions Office coordinates and implements CBE and Federal Immigration policies and regulations regarding admission of students new to the CBE who are NOT Canadian citizens.Landed immigrants (Permanent Residents)Children of individuals who are lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent or temporary residence, or non-residentsInternational fee-paying students who are approved by the CBE’s Global LearningTo register, you will need to provide legal proof of your child’s name, date of birth, and citizenship status in Canada. The following documents are acceptable:Permanent resident card or Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Record of LandingParent’s valid Work permit or Study PermitStudent’s Study Permit (International students)If you are on a work or study permit you will also need to bring your child’s birth certificate. You will also need to bring information that confirms your address (e.g. a driver’s license or telephone bill).Kingsland Centre provides other services to help newcomers to Calgary.
Americanada 说:Registering non-canadian studentsThe Admissions and Assessment Office at Kingsland Centre is open for current registration and for pre-registration for the 2013-14 school year. Kingsland Centre is open in July and August to register non-Canadian students for the new school year. Many new families arrive during this time, so making an appointment as early as possible is advisable. Appointments may be made until June 28th, 2013, and beginning again on July 15th, 2013. To book an appointment, please call 403-777-7373 (ext. 1).If your child is not a Canadian citizen, you will need to register at the Admissions Office at Kingsland Centre. If you are a permanent resident or you are here on a work or study permit, registration into the Calgary Board of Education is done by the Admissions Office. This is also the case even if your child has attended school elsewhere in Canada.Phone 403-777-7373 to ask questions about registration or to make an appointment.Kingsland Centre is located at 7430 5th Street S.W. Calgary. Click here to see a map.Kingland Centre also provides other services to assist newcomer families. Click here to learn more.Admissions Office The Admissions Office coordinates and implements CBE and Federal Immigration policies and regulations regarding admission of students new to the CBE who are NOT Canadian citizens.Landed immigrants (Permanent Residents)Children of individuals who are lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent or temporary residence, or non-residentsInternational fee-paying students who are approved by the CBE’s Global LearningTo register, you will need to provide legal proof of your child’s name, date of birth, and citizenship status in Canada. The following documents are acceptable:Permanent resident card or Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Record of LandingParent’s valid Work permit or Study PermitStudent’s Study Permit (International students)If you are on a work or study permit you will also need to bring your child’s birth certificate. You will also need to bring information that confirms your address (e.g. a driver’s license or telephone bill).Kingsland Centre provides other services to help newcomers to Calgary.点击展开... 多谢,明天就去
关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。 赏 2014-06-17#6

3,802 $0.00 不急,这个是要事先约的。地点也很好找,坐ctrain到Heritage站下,再走10-15分钟就到了。或者从Heritage转3路车也可以。评论
煮饭侠 赏 2014-06-17#7

我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。 赏 2014-06-17#9 方 92 $0.00 是要预约,我一月底去的预约了两周后的时间。电话预约确认时间地点和要带的材料。办理完了,再到指定的学校。记得咨询午餐,校车等事项。
飞行人 说:所有外来孩子,包括移民,父母工作签证,难民,都要去王地中心报道。要先电话预约。点击展开...第一次听说。
走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。 赏 2014-06-18#11 T
3,940 $0.00 我女儿的英文不过关,估计要上小学的esl了。预约了下周过去评论
走自己的路让别人去说吧;是金子总会闪光的。 赏 2014-06-18#13

旦旦 说:第一次听说。点击展开...他们可以把 Markham叫做万锦,可以把Richmond叫做列治文(为啥不叫富贵山呢?)我也许也能把Kingsland叫做王地了。
我不再批判文化,因为你们已经没有希望。他们可以把 Markham叫做万锦,可以把Richmond叫做列治文(为啥不叫富贵山呢?)我也许也能把Kingsland叫做王地了。点击展开...可以叫帝都,瞬间高大上有没有
mnrbbs 说:可以叫帝都,瞬间高大上有没有点击展开...咣当。帝都还piking呢。可也不对呀,kings是复数。是不是叫做王们地,或者帝们都更准确?就是听起来不够高端大气有光泽。
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·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题