加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - To: Guitar Learner
If you want to learn to play guitar, from ages 4.5 to 78 years old (yes, 78 !)If you want your kids to learn to play guitar,If you want to improve your guitar playing skills to immediate level, My home studio is now located in NW Arbour Lake, and I also teach in home lessons in Hawkwood, Arbour Lake, Scenic Acres/Citadel/Tuscany/Royal oak area. Lower price and quality coaching guaranteed in Calgary. If locations and times don't happen to fit your schedule, please let me know and I will try to accommodate your situation. Please contact me via email: [email protected] for details.
lfangzhou 说:如何收费?点击展开...$15/half hour.
By the way, in whatever level you are, before we start just give me a call in to discuss what your expectation is on the lessons, and I will schedule and set up your customized lessons according to your personal situation. (PS: I am native Chinese, I type in English as there's no Chinese input in my computer
dennistone 说:By the way, in whatever level you are, before we start just give me a call in to discuss what your expectation is on the lessons, and I will schedule and set up your customized lessons according to your personal situation.(PS: I am native Chinese, I type in English as there's no Chinese input in my computer 点击展开...我也玩吉他的,哥们要不要一起玩啊?
shashalula 说:我也玩吉他的,哥们要不要一起玩啊?点击展开... 可以啊,咱电话邮件联系
生死看淡,不服就干楼主早post就好了,有把旧吉他前段时间刚送同事点击展开...正好你再 整个贝司吧 呵呵
古典还是流行?不要偷懒不输中文,又不是十年前,现在的电脑,无论是什么系统Windows, Mac OS,连Linux都能很方便地添加中文输入法。By the way, in whatever level you are, before we start just give me a call in to discuss what your expectation is on the lessons, and I will schedule and set up your customized lessons according to your personal situation.(PS: I am native Chinese, I type in English as there's no Chinese input in my computer 点击展开...
dennistone 说:正好你再 整个贝司吧 呵呵点击展开...嘿嘿不了,放弃了
生死看淡,不服就干古典还是流行? 不要偷懒不输中文,又不是十年前,现在的电脑,无论是什么系统Windows, Mac OS,连Linux都能很方便地添加中文输入法。点击展开...hello, 中文输入就不解释了. 跟吉他没关系. 除了古典,民谣电琴都可以,学之前 把你的期望值告诉我,想学到什么程度,我再给你制订教学方案,一对一授课,充分利用教学时间,达不到预想效果,100%退费。
had better introduce your professional background and level
弹琴十四年, 国内和朋友玩过乐队,教初级中级的不成问题喜欢布鲁斯, 软摇滚, 民谣, 拒绝流行, 金属,大死
是在你家教还是 学生家?能上门吗,主要等我们下班回来有些晚了。
jianlin 说:是在你家教还是 学生家?能上门吗,主要等我们下班回来有些晚了。点击展开...您好,可以上门,您住哪?
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