加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息买房潜在利好,中央街LRT.


North-central LRT to go down Centre StreetCentre Street will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction south of McKnight Boulevard when the future LRT line is built.Photograph by: Gavin Young , Calgary HeraldCalgary can start calling it the Centre Street LRT, and keep dreaming of one day getting to ride it.Taking cues from overwhelming public feedback, Calgary Transit has chosen Centre Street over Edmonton Trail for the north-central leg of the green line that will eventually extend from Panorama Hills to the southeast hospital.It’s likely not to arrive until late next decade or the 2030s, but planning for the multibillion-dollar project is well underway.The general public had called for the city to retain four traffic lanes both ways on Centre, alongside low-floor trains that will travel at road level along most of the route.But planners have gone instead with the preferences of city officials and community advisory group and city officials, who prefer a narrower option with only one lane in each direction south of McKnight Boulevard.“The addition of the LRT will mostly occur within the existing width of Centre Street,” says an update on Calgary Transit’s website.“This approach will still require some property purchases, but not to the extent that would be needed if the road was widened, reducing disruption to Calgarians who live and make a living along Centre Street.”North of McKnight Boulevard, the city has room for four traffic lanes and a CTrain/bus corridor down the road. South of McKnight, there is not, although early studies say the train may have to tunnel underground until 16th Avenue N. after it crosses from downtown toward the steep bluffs.Peter Schryvers of advocacy group TransitCamp said Centre is the logical alignment.“Centre Street is more of a commercial street for more of its length. It’s more central to that area,” he said. “You’re trying to get a lot of people walking (to the train) and Centre Street is a lot better positioned for that than Edmonton Trail is.”Calgary Transit has long justified the idea of taking out lanes of traffic by noting Centre Street’s current usage. There are more daily bus passengers on the street than total vehicles along even the busiest stretches, city data have shown.Up until recent years, Calgary Transit had planned to route the north-central LRT in the Nose Creek valley until Harvest Hills Boulevard, where the city had set aside right-of-way to accommodate a train expansion. Newer planners and council members have advocated against bypassing communities such as Tuxedo Park and Thorncliffe, and in consultations the residents almost universally jeered the Nose Creek option.Coun. Sean Chu, who represents much of the route, said in March he preferred a train along Edmonton Trail, because its automobile traffic volumes are lighter.“We should not disrupt people’s lives, as much as we can,” he said.Chu wasn’t available for comment Tuesday evening. He tweeted that he was knocking on doors in his constituency.Before the CTrain arrives down Centre Street, the city will install bus-only lanes along the route beginning in 2017 or 2018. It will do the same along the southeast LRT alignment, which has been set for several years.

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 2014-08-27#2 chris_cc
3,802 $0.00 我只看到2030年。。。。

煮饭侠 2014-08-27#3 旦旦 3,168 $0.00 好象在这里是个不好的买房消息。我记得在westleg开工前,沿线好多洋人都卖房走人了。


移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 2014-08-28#5 新David0531 1,846 $0.00 实际上,也可以反过来理解:再过10年到15年,Ctrain将不再是什么特别诱人的条件。就好比几十年前的"有肉吃"。再说了,中央街附近的房子比较破旧,住在里面等十五年?倒是Panorama或新大统华附近的人们看到了希望。

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 2014-08-28#6 Feat
6,919 $0.00 尼玛,30年?我都回国养老了。

吃不饱的出来,吃饱的不出来,吃饱了撑的出来。 2014-08-28#7 W 1,105 $0.00 2030


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