加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在NE,11:30pm 发生劫持强奸案


被害女不认识罪犯。位置是印度人集聚区Charges are expected to be laid Monday after a teenaged girl was abducted from a northeast bus stop Friday and then repeatedly sexually assaulted in an alleyway and a home.Police only learned of what’s being described as a “very disturbing” incident the following morning, when the 17-year-old girl was able to escape the home and rush to her family.She told officers she was taken at approximately 11:30 p.m. from a bus stop at the intersection of Taradale Drive and Taracove Road NE. Police Staff Sgt. Melanie Oncescu with the service’s child abuse unit said Sunday the girl was dragged into a nearby alley, assaulted with a weapon and then sexually assaulted.Her attackers then “walked” her to a home in a nearby community, where she was subjected to further sexual abuse.Oncescu appealed for anyone that noticed anything suspicious to come forward.“She was forcibly taken from the one address to another, which would potentially have (led) somebody that would have seen this to think that she was impaired and needed assistance walking,” Oncsecu said.Police used the girl’s recollection and other investigative tactics to pinpoint the home where she was allegedly held. Three men were taken from that residence and it’s believed two brothers, both in their 20s, will be formally charged Monday. Their identities will be made public at that time.The third resident, a relative of the two brothers, was likely a witness to the crimes, Oncescu said. She indicated one of the suspects had a lengthy history with police.Oncescu said the victim had been treated in hospital — there were fears she’d suffered a concussion — but has since been released. It’s not believed her attackers were known to her.“Obviously in a circumstance like this, this is a very traumatic incident and we’ll make sure that she’s got supports in place to deal with this,” Oncescu said.

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”赞反馈:Carbsed 2014-11-17#2 C 5,090 $0.00 印度人啊,很正常的。

我们的新总理会让加拿大很快变成和法国一样!赞反馈:fifacana 和 默默耕耘 2014-11-17#3 fifacana 536 $0.00 最讨厌印度人,看到就心烦,都是些特么自以为是的家伙,自己国家轮的不够还来这儿撒野,把好好一个卡城搞得乌烟瘴气的~

嫌疑犯是原住民, 不是印度人。 楼上两位怎么看?

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