加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Please EI 的咨询


请教各位 experts:如果丈夫已经从 AB 搬去在BC 工作和生活有半年多,妻子需要从 AB 辞职搬去 BC,妻子可以申请 EI 吗?怎样申请,可以申请多长时间的 EI? 在 AB 申请还是 BC,还是两个地区都要申请?谢谢!


" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 2015-03-02#3 joesir
4,893 $0.00 楼上说的很对,加个官方连接给你参考 http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/types/regular.shtml#eligible voluntarily left your employment without just cause

生死看淡,不服就干 2015-03-02#4 caca19 605 $0.00 感谢楼上的,刚给 Service Canada 打电话,我的情况应该符合下面第二条的 EI 要求。upload_2015-3-2_12-44-52.pnghttp://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/information/voluntarily_leaving.shtml#voluntarily

caca19 说:感谢楼上的,刚给 Service Canada 打电话,我的情况应该符合下面第二条的 EI。浏览附件376717http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/information/voluntarily_leaving.shtml#voluntarily点击展开...没仔细想这个just cause,如果这样的话恭喜LZ,谢谢分享经验以前还真不知道这一条

生死看淡,不服就干没仔细想这个just cause,如果这样的话恭喜LZ,谢谢分享经验以前还真不知道这一条点击展开...也谢谢你的帮助。我可能要等待今年夏天或秋天才搬呢 :)

caca19 说:也谢谢你的帮助。我可能要等待今年夏天或秋天才搬呢 :)点击展开...你有资格申请EI以配偶异地工作团聚的名义。你必须在搬家一月内申请。你的EI俩周后开始发放自你辞职之日起算。你最好到当地的CANADA SERVICE CENTER to apply and they can help you and answer your questions. You need fill out the online form and need a lot of information. Most importantly you need to present past 52 weeks employment history and how many employers you worked for. Also you need mail the EI information (original)from each employer to Canada service center before they can process your EI application. It will take 1 month to get approved. It happened to me last year, it works. You will not apply until you quit your job and reunite with your spouse.

SKABCD 说:你有资格申请EI以配偶异地工作团聚的名义。你必须在搬家一月内申请。你的EI俩周后开始发放自你辞职之日起算。你最好到当地的CANADA SERVICE CENTER to apply and they can help you and answer your questions. You need fill out the online form and need a lot of information. Most importantly you need to present past 52 weeks employment history and how many employers you worked for. Also you need mail the EI information (original)from each employer to Canada service center before they can process your EI application. It will take 1 month to get approved. It happened to me last year, it works. You will not apply until you quit your job and reunite with your spouse.[/QUOTE点击展开...谢谢这些信息。所以我应该保存至少一年的工资单?你的意思是在我现在居住地/AB 的 Canada Service Sener 申请还是我将要搬去的居住地/BC 申请?我可能要先辞职,大概辞职后的2个星期再搬家。请问,EI 可以拿多久呀?非常感谢!

SKABCD 说:你有资格申请EI以配偶异地工作团聚的名义。你必须在搬家一月内申请。你的EI俩周后开始发放自你辞职之日起算。你最好到当地的CANADA SERVICE CENTER to apply and they can help you and answer your questions. You need fill out the online form and need a lot of information. Most importantly you need to present past 52 weeks employment history and how many employers you worked for. Also you need mail the EI information (original)from each employer to Canada service center before they can process your EI application. It will take 1 month to get approved. It happened to me last year, it works. You will not apply until you quit your job and reunite with your spouse.点击展开...刚看到你的 EI 贴。你真幸运 35周的 EI, 搬家后很快又找到工作了。

caca19 说:刚看到你的 EI 贴。你真幸运 35周的 EI, 搬家后很快又找到工作了。点击展开...i got 35 weeks, about $1500 a month. but each people is different, depending your EI contribution and where you live. you need to file EI application after you quit the job in one month. you need your employer to give you EI form which show why and how you quit job. if you are fired, you may not be eligible for EI. So check the EI form sent to you from your employer carefully since it has many codes there and make you get the right one which is voluntarily quit.

caca19 说:谢谢这些信息。所以我应该保存至少一年的工资单?你的意思是在我现在居住地/AB 的 Canada Service Sener 申请还是我将要搬去的居住地/BC 申请?我可能要先辞职,大概辞职后的2个星期再搬家。请问,EI 可以拿多久呀?非常感谢!点击展开...you apply in BC not calgary. you cannot apply before you move. you have to physically move first to establish your eligibility. it is about spouse reunion, remember.

SKABCD 说:you apply in BC not calgary. you cannot apply before you move. you have to physically move first to establish your eligibility. it is about spouse reunion, remember.点击展开...Thank you very much for your helpfulness and kindness, it so helpful. I still have a long way to go.


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