加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息钓小龙虾需要钓鱼牌照吗
不需要permit,可以手抓,可以用鱼钩,不过用鱼钩就要符合钓鱼的regulation ,不能带活的离开。CrayfishCrayfish are native to the Beaver River system. However, they appear to have been illegally introduced into many Alberta waters and may be adversely affecting aquatic ecosystems.Some people have expressed a desire to consume crayfish. In all waters other than the Beaver River, people may catch crayfish for consumption. Legal capture methods include angling (sportfishing regulations apply) or catching them by hand. No licence is required to capture crayfish by hand. The retention and transport of live crayfish is illegal and all retained crayfish must be immediately killed to prevent the spread of this species. Please help prevent the spread of invasive species. http://www.albertaregulations.ca/fishingregs/general-regs.html
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·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题