加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新移民,如何更好更、快地准备7号牌考试?


新移民如何更好、更快地准备7号牌考试?请教前辈们,新移民,如何才能更好、更快地准备好7号牌考试? 有哪些网站推荐推荐。。。 Thanks。。。

多看几遍,有人有中文的过去的考试题,看看也许有帮助,提醒那些不想开车的,7号驾照虽不能单独开车上路,但是它是加拿大通用的PHOTO ID,有它就象国内的身份证,申请电话,或者办事经常会用。比枫叶卡管用。如果你考不过,也可以就申请一个ID。不过目前没听说哪个朋友这么办过。


我路过山的时候山不说话 我路过海的时候海不说话 我乘着的毛驴一步一步滴滴答答 我带着的倚天喑哑 人们说我爱着杨过大侠 找不到所以在峨嵋安家 其实我只是爱山中的烟雾 象十六岁那年绽放的烟花 2006-08-21#4 O 75 $0.00 谁有英文版试题题库?


你好好在这个网搜索一下,可以找到中文和英文的试题练习,我是把书看啦几遍通过的. 实际上题和答案都出在书里,书看多啦你就会看到题和答案就对上啦. 另外还提醒你允许带纸的英文字典查单词,但电子词典不允许,实在不认识字可以问考官.


是的,随时去随时考,注意带好证件(一个带相片的,如护照,另外一个不带照片,如SIN Card)考试题目重复的很多,英文的很容易考,中文因为考官不按照选择题目方式来考,难度增加.但是有的驾校有中文复习题,很容易通过.关于考试的题目,爱城有几个有心的好人把他们记录下来发到爱城华人论坛中了,会了那些,基本会覆盖90%的题目,如果能轻松答对那些题目,基本就没有问题了.只要认真准备两三天,就很容易过的.最近周围几个朋友两个全对通过,一个只错一道题通过.其中两个人还是考的难度比较大的中文.祝大家好运!






我路过山的时候山不说话 我路过海的时候海不说话 我乘着的毛驴一步一步滴滴答答 我带着的倚天喑哑 人们说我爱着杨过大侠 找不到所以在峨嵋安家 其实我只是爱山中的烟雾 象十六岁那年绽放的烟花 2006-08-25#14 牵狗散步的瓶子 405 $0.00 是的 到这里来 驾照很重要的 就是我们的ID.否则就总要揣着枫叶卡到处走! 刚刚又去看了看那本考驾照的书 翻了几页我头就晕了!接着又跑来上网了!HOHO...


英文的1.When approaching a yield sign, you must Yield the right of way to all other traffic and pedestrians 2.When a school bus is displaying alternate flashing red lights , you should: Stop and do not pass 3.What is the basic speed limit outside a city, town or village on a non-primary highway? 80km/h 4.In a highway construction zone, the flagmen’s signal: Must be obeyed 5.When a policeman direct you proceed through an intersection and you are approaching a stop sign, you must: Proceed through without stopping 6.When approaching an intersection with a green arrow and a red light you: May proceed when SAFE, without stopping. In the direction of green arrow 7.What is the basic maximum speed in a city, town or village? 50km/h 8.On school day, what is the maximum speed through school zones in the city, town or villages? 30km/h 9.Playground zones are in affect: From 8:30 am to one hour after sunset everyday 10.Are you permitted to back a motor vehicle into an intersection or a crosswalk? No 11.When a driver leaves a parking lot, he must? Stop before crossing the sidewalk 12.Which direction should your front wheels be turned when parking uphill with a curb? To the left 13.When two vehicle approaching an uncontrolled “T” intersection at approximately the same time: The vehicle on the left must yield the right of way 14.When you intend to turn left, what must you do? Signal, turn from the lane nearest the centre line and get into the lane nearest the centre line 15.A “shoulder check” when driving a vehicle is done by: Glancing (looking) over your shoulder in the direction you intend to move. 16.Pavement marking that show a yellow line means? Traffic lanes are separate to show traffic flows are in opposite directions 17.A solid line, together with a broken line on the centre of the highway means: When the solid line is on your side. You cannot pass, when the broken line is on your side, you may pass if conditions permit 18.When special right hand lanes are provided, the driver of a slow moving vehicle should: Use the right hand lane 19.Are you allowed to exceed the speed limit when overtaking and passing another vehicle? No 20.When overtaking and passing other vehicle in the same direction, you should: Pass on left when you see that way is clear for a safe and reasonable distance 21.After passing a vehicle, do not return into the lane ahead of the passed vehicle until: It is safe and you see the passed vehicle is in your rearview mirror 22.When there is a red X illuminated over your lane, you should: Move safely across to a green arrow lane 23.When entering a highway marked with a merge sign, you should: Signal and adjust your speed to merge safely 24.When rounding a curve or turning, the driver should: Slow down, stay in the proper lane and accelerate after entering to maintain a safe speed 25.On a multi-lane highway, when yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle sounding a siren. You must: Driver as close as possible to the nearest outside curb or edge of the road and stop 26.You must report accidents to the police when the total estimated damage is more than: $10,000 27.Driving during heavy fog or a snowstorm, you should use: Low beam 28.To reduce the effects of glare from approaching headlights. It is best to: Avoid looking directly at the lights 29.When using the two second count in driving to judge a safe following distance, this method: Is accurate at any speed 30.Use of alcohol or drugs will: Lower your driving ability, judgment and reaction 31.If you have any disease or disability that may affect your driving ability, you: Must inform the motor vehicle division 32.Are passengers permitted to ride in a trailer while it is being towed? No 33.If your vehicle has a manual transmission, while crossing the tracks without trains Do not slow down and do not change gears 34.When you are approaching the tracks without traffic signal: While the train approaching within 500 metres of the crossing, you must stop no closer than 5 metres from a railway crossing 35.Class 7 licence holder permits to drive: Motor vehicle referred to the class 5 category 36.Does class 5 licence holder permits to drive a three axle motor vehicle? No 37.Flashing red light means Stop, Proceed only when it is safe to do so 38.Flashing green light means: Opposing traffic is facing red signal 39.Flashing yellow light means: Slow down, Proceed with caution 40.School Zones effective time is: School Days only 8:00~1:30am 11:30~1:30pm 3:00~4:30pm Urban area 30km/h; Rural area 40km/h 41.Do not park you vehicle: within 5 metres of any fire hydrant. Stop or yield sign 42.Car parked parallel with the curb must have the curb side wheels within what distance from the curb? 50 centimetres 43.Before turning in a city, town or village. You must signal at least: 30 metres before turning 44.You are driving on a highway and notice a solid yellow line on the roadway to your right. You: Are on the wrong side of the road and must get back on the other side of the line as quickly as possible 45.The criminal code of Canada makes it an offence to be in care or control of a motor vehicle if: You have a blood contest exceeding 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood (over 0.08%) 46.If your blood alcohol contest is 70 milligrams (0.07), will you be convicted us impaired? Yes 47.How many demerit points do the Alberta operator have within a two years period? 15 points 48.When your dermit point have accumulated to 8 points or more. You: Receive a mail of notice for point standing 49.If you see a person holding a white cane on the road, it means: This person is a visually impaired (blind pedestrians) 50.Entering into a highway and approaching the acceleration lane, if there are other vehicles ahead or behind of you, you should: Adjust the speed up or down to match that of the traffic flow. Continue to check traffic ahead and the gap you expect to merge into. 51.You are driving on a freeway and intending to leave the freeway at the next exit. You should: Signal, move into the exit lane, then slow down. 52.On a rural highway, before turning you must signal at least 100 metres中文的1.当接近让路牌时,你应该: 让优先权给所有让所有不是面对这”让”牌的交通及行人(P34) 2.当学校巴士停车及闪着红灯时,你必须: 停车及不准超车,等红灯熄了才继续行驶(P54-56) 3. 除非有路牌指示,城市以外,乡村里,非主要(二级)高速公路的限制车速是多少? 80公里/小时(P23) 4.在高速公路的维修路牌,持旗人的标志: 在任何情况下都必须服从 (P20) 5.当你到达一个路口,有警察指挥你直走,而你又看见一个”停车牌”时,你应该: 直走,不需停车,继续行驶(P34) 6.当你到达一个交通管制路口,同时亮着红灯及绿色箭头灯: 当安全时,可以不用停车,按着箭头所指的方向小心前进,不需要停车(P21) 7.在城市内,最高的车速是多少 50公里/小时 8.在城市内,学校内,学校路牌的最高时速是多少? 30公里/小时。(非市区40公里) (P25) 9.运动场的有效时间是: 每日早上八时半至黄昏日落后一小时 (P23) 10.你是否允许.在公路上将车倒后驶入路口或行人道? 不可以(P28) 11.当司机离开停车场时,应该: 在行人过路线前停车,看清楚才继续前行(P34) 12.泊车于上斜坡的路面时,你的胎盘或前车轮应该转向: 有路肩向左,没有路肩向右,下山全转向右边(P32) 13.当两部车同时到达一个没有交通标志管制的”T”字形路口时: 左手边的车必须让路于右边有优先权的车。(P36) 14.假如你要转左,你要: 打灯号,驶入最靠近中间黄线的位置 15.当开车的时候,望“死角位”是: 望过肩膀,转向你要转向的方向 (P42) 16.路面显示黄线的意思是: 黄线分割开相反的行车方向(P44) 17.在高速公路中央,实线及断线(虚线)合在一起的意思是: 当实线在你这边时,你不可以超车,当虚线在你这边并安全时时,你可以超车(P43) 18.当有特别的右行车线给慢车司机时,慢车司机应该: 使用右线 19.当超车时,你可不可以超速行驶 不可以 (P46) 20.当要超车时,超越同一方向的车辆时,你应该: 当路面情况清楚可见,安全及合理的车距下,从左方超车 (P46) 21.超车后,不要驶回原来的行车线,直至: 情况安全,及你看见被你超车的车辆全部出现在倒车镜内,才返回原线(P46) 22.当你的行车线上出现红色”X”,你应该: 安全的情况下驶向有绿色箭嘴的行车线上 (P47) 23.当进入高速公路,有“汇合”或“合并”路牌时,你应该: 打灯号,调整车速,然后安全地汇合(小心的合并) 进入交通(p48) 24.转弯路或转弯时,司机应该怎样: 在转弯时,减速慢驶,保持正确的行车线,入弯后加速至安全的车速(P51) 25. 你在双线或多线行车的公路上,当有警车、救护车等带鸣警报行驶时,你要: 尽可能开到路边,停下(P56) 26. 当有人在撞车中受伤或死亡,或所有在车祸中毁坏的财物和车辆损坏,当超过多少时你要报警: $100(P62) 27.当你在大雾、大风雪时驾驶,你应该使用什么车头灯? 低灯(p62) 28.要减低对面车的车头灯光线影响,最好的方法是: 避免直接望着光源 29.两秒钟安全跟车距离的方法是: 适用于任何车速都准确(也适用于任何速度的公路上)(P66) 30.使用许多药物,包括酒精,会使你: 降低驾驶能力,影响你的反映和判断(P78) 31.假如你患病或残废,对你的驾驶能力有影响时,你: 必须通知交通部 (P11) 32.在被拖的车辆内,是否准许乘客坐在车上? 否 33.如你驾驶一部手波(棍波)车,横过一无火车行驶的路轨时: 不用慢车,不用转挡 (P73) 34.当横过无灯号管制的火车路轨时: 当发现火车正在500公尺内前进时,司机必须停车于火车路轨前(最少5公尺的位置) (P73) 35.七号牌持有者,允许驾驶? 五号牌类别的车辆 36.五号牌司机可否驾驶有三组轮轴的车辆 否 37.闪红灯的意思是: 停车,情况安全下方可前进 38.闪绿灯的意思是: 对面交通正面对红灯 39.闪黄灯的意思是: 慢车,小心横过或前进 40.学校去内的有效时间是: 学校日 8:00~11:30上午 11:30~1:30下午 3:00~4:30下午 市区 30公里/小时 郊区 40公里/小时 41.不要泊车在: 救火喉、停车牌或让路牌的5公尺范围内(P29) 42.倒后平横泊车时,车轮应在路边多远的距离内? 50厘米 43.在城市内转弯,应在多远前打灯号? 转弯前30公尺 44.公路上架车时,你发现黄色实线出现在你的右方时: 你正在对向(相反)方向行车线上行驶(应立刻驶回自己行车线) 45.根据加拿大犯罪条例,当驾驶时你会被定罪,如果: 当酒精含量在你的血液中超过80毫克(0.08%)-以一百毫升血为标准 46.假如你的酒精含量在血液中是70毫克(0.07),你是否被控告醉酒架车 是,仍有处分,但有机会减轻惩罚(P80) 47.二年内,亚省司机可以有多少分被扣?(在扣分制度上,你被扣满多少分,便会被停牌?) 15分(P83) 48.当你的扣分累计至8分或更多时,你会: 收到一份分数的通知书 49.如你在街上看见一个拿着白色拐杖的人: 这个行人的视力有问题(盲人) 50.进入公路接近加速线时,如你发现有其它车辆在公路行驶(在你前面或后面)时,你应该: 调整你的车速(快或慢些)以配合外面的交通流量,不停的观察及检查公路上的车辆位置,找寻一个理想的空位,然后汇合或合并 51.你正在高速公路驾驶,准备在下一个路口离开公路,你应该: 打灯号,驶入离开线,然后慢车 52.在郊外区的公路转弯时,你必须最少在多少公尺前打灯号? 100公尺 (1)当有特别快车追随时,开车开的慢的司机应该:让开主道(P45) (2)在双程路上要左转时,要:打左转灯,靠近中间行车线(P38A) (3)如你有某种病和某种残废而影响你的驾驶能力,法力上应由谁通知交通部?自己(P11) (4)当遇到交通的红灯闪亮时,你应怎么办?你必须先将车辆停定,然后在安全情况下开车(P21) (5)按照亚省法例,驾驶者应对那一个年龄以下的乘客,有责任要求及协助他们扣上安全带或其它安全设备?16岁(P68) (6)一个红色的八角型标志代表什么?停车路牌(P15) (7)头枕矫正的正确位置应在哪里?头枕的中线应在驾驶者的耳朵部分之上(P69) (8)你怎样才能够在停牌后取回你的驾驶执照资格?当你能够符合停牌通知书上列明的各项要求,便能取回驾驶执照(P82) (9)当你向左面倒车时,你应该望着哪一个位置倒车?你应该从你的左边肩膀望向后面,而同一时间也要留意你前面的情况(P28) (10)当你需要切入右线准备右转,你应在多少距离完成你的切线而右转?最少在路口前15公尺(P39) (11) 这个标志放在哪里及行车车速是多少?放在慢速行驶的车辆后面及行车车速是无法高于时速四十公里(P20) (12)如你要超越脚踏车的车辆时,你应如何操作?骑脚踏车的人要跟车辆驾驶者一样遵守交通规则,当你超越脚踏车的时候,要像你超越任何其他车辆一样操作(P53) (13)除了夜间之外,在任何时候当你看不清楚前面多少距离内的物体时,你要打开车头灯?150公尺内的物体(P62) (14)安全带如何使用?法律上要求正确使用安全带(P68) (15)红灯转右应该操作?你可以在完全停定之后,在安全情况下右转(P40,21) (16)骑脚踏车的人在路上行驶时,应该怎样?骑脚踏车的人要跟车辆驾驶者一样遵守道路交通的规则(P6) (17)如持有七号驾驶执照,可否驾驶货柜车?不可以(P6) (18)如要驾驶一辆三轴或三轴以上的车辆而该车挂有一轴或多轴的拖车,但该等拖车并无气动刹车设备,要持有哪类驾驶执照才能驾驶?三号驾驶执照(P53) (19)在发生交通意外后,没有停留在现场,扣多少分?7分(P85) (20)在市区行车什么地方不能调头?设有交通管制灯号的路口(P41) (21)根据亚省规则,如果酒精测试多过0.08度数,你的执照会被吊销多久?三个月(P81) (22)道路白线的作用是什么?分开相同方向的车辆行驶(P44) (23)根据“车辆驾驶者牌照资料书”中车辆停定所须的距离和时间取决于哪三个因素?1.应知时间3/4秒;2.反应时间3/4秒;3.刹车时间(P26) (24)哪个情况下不能超越前车或隔邻线的车?驶近行人过路线时,千万不要超越任何其他车辆,因为该车很可能正在减速或正要停下来,让路给行人(P52) (25)市区以外的行车道上有一交叉代表什么?代表前面有铁路交汇处(P71)仅供叁考!


2006-09-03#18 放 149 $0.00 顶一下,考试有多少道题?


还有一个中文的,用的是PDF 档,有路标。

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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