加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息搬离卡城了,最后处理一些东西。


搬离卡城了,最后处理一些东西,有兴趣的网友联系: 4036078166, 或[email protected]'s and men's clothing 衣服sweater $5, coat $ 10.Women Size 0-6. Men size S- L(160cm-175cm).Fence door 院门The pretty walk gate. Used, 91cmx175cm.Artistic canvas board 油画板还剩两个They are new and has the original package. 40CM*30CMBinder 文件夹Used. Very clean, multicolorIkea light 地灯Clean, undamagedLeon's TV stand. 电视柜,适合37inches-41inches的电视Bought from Leon's. a little scratch. very clean.IKEA King size bed with Sealy pillowed mattress KING床和床垫(白色)Solid wood white bed bought from Ikea one year ago, like new.IKEA Metal cabinet IKEA白色储藏柜White painted metal cabinet. Very solid. Multi use for anything you want to store in it and fits anywhere in your room.IKEA Metal table 黑色小铁桌子Bought from IKEA. Good for a vase or a snack. Solid wood swing chair 实木摇椅Bought from Leon's two year ago.No scratch and stain Like new. Very comfortable and enjoyable..7PC North Shore Living room sofa set. 7件客厅家具Bought from Ashley just more than one year ago, with warranty for 5 years.No scratch and stain. Almost new. Very comfortable and luxurious.Now take more than $6,600.00 after discount in the shop or on line purchase.中文书:西厢记钢铁是怎样炼成的 图文注拼音版SAT复习:SAT核心词汇秒杀SAT作文攻略加拿大地图册-Canada atlas简明数学词典英语时态和语态记单词学得快剑桥少儿英语词典900句基础讲义最新雅思考试应试综合指导英语扩充词汇阶梯阅读IELTS最新雅思考试胜策-听力海淀名题-高中英语语法完全解题海淀名题-高中英语完全解题高中教材各个击破阅读理解(1)高中教材各个击破阅读理解(2)高中教材各个击破阅读理解(3)中学英语语法攻略高中英语词汇7周会六人行-精读笔记英语国际音标自然学习法外国音乐表演用语词典English book:High school Text book and workbook. (grade 8-grade 12)The glass castleDeath of a salesmanCatch me if you canThe pelican briefThe new friends and neighborsHitmen triumphThe borrowers aloft (blue)The borrowers aloft (Orange)Five little peppers and how they grewThe complete secrets of happy childrenESL booksTimed readings 3Timed readings 4Timed readings 5Timed readings 6Timed readings 7Timed readings 8Timed readings 9Intermediate Listening ComprehensionAgainst All OddsIntermediate Listening ComprehensionVocabulary power 2North Star 2North Star 3Long man preparation series for the TOEIC testThe Bare Essentials-form BBarron's students' 1 choice-How to prepare for the TOEIC testEnglish in Action 1English in Action 1-WorkbookCanadian concepts 4Canadian concepts 5Side by side 2Side by side book 2Grammar Connections 2杂物高中用的数学计算器,半年新。(以前进水坏掉一个)围棋网球(未开封)面条机厨房用小的粉碎器better盘子冬天融雪的盐Costco车库铁架IKEA 镜子老式望远镜家居饰品大小花盆

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