生死看淡,不服就干 赏 2015-10-29#2 E 446 $0.00 call apple. i think in the specification sheet, there is a working temperature, if phone isn't working within that range, you can bring it in apple store or just call apple for a solution?
思索是痛苦的,我越思索就越讨厌自己,因而也就越痛苦。因为我所想的常和别人不一样,甚至格格不入。 赏
iphone 6Environmental RequirementsOperating ambient temperature:0° to 35° C (32° to 95° F)Nonoperating temperature:-20° to 45° C (-4° to 113° F)Relative humidity:5% to 95% noncondensingOperating altitude:tested up to 3000 m (10,000 feet)
思索是痛苦的,我越思索就越讨厌自己,因而也就越痛苦。因为我所想的常和别人不一样,甚至格格不入。iphone 6Environmental RequirementsOperating ambient temperature:0° to 35° C (32° to 95° F)Nonoperating temperature:-20° to 45° C (-4° to 113° F)Relative humidity:5% to 95% noncondensingOperating altitude:tested up to 3000 m (10,000 feet)点击展开...谢谢,大赞,看来是正常情况了
生死看淡,不服就干iphone 6Environmental RequirementsOperating ambient temperature:0° to 35° C (32° to 95° F)Nonoperating temperature:-20° to 45° C (-4° to 113° F)Relative humidity:5% to 95% noncondensingOperating altitude:tested up to 3000 m (10,000 feet)点击展开...只是不明白这些手机厂商不能设计的更抗寒点吗。。。。让咱们地处寒冷地带的怎么活呀。。。
生死看淡,不服就干只是不明白这些手机厂商不能设计的更抗寒点吗。。。。让咱们地处寒冷地带的怎么活呀。。。点击展开...i guess it's not APPLE does not want to do that but some electronic components only work in a certain temperature range....
思索是痛苦的,我越思索就越讨厌自己,因而也就越痛苦。因为我所想的常和别人不一样,甚至格格不入。i guess it's not APPLE does not want to do that but some electronic components only work in a certain temperature range....点击展开...恩,有道理。
生死看淡,不服就干i guess it's not APPLE does not want to do that but some electronic components only work in a certain temperature range....点击展开...Electronics is fine above -35c, just the battery problem.
11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.Electronics is fine above -35c, just the battery problem.点击展开...i see, would those crystals/IC's be working accurately fine as well?
思索是痛苦的,我越思索就越讨厌自己,因而也就越痛苦。因为我所想的常和别人不一样,甚至格格不入。 赏 2015-10-30#11

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