卡城新人2014 说:谁说的阿省医疗卡需要等三个月点击展开...长期离开阿省就要等。福利是有时间要求的。
Moving to Alberta from elsewhere in CanadaIf you are moving to Alberta from elsewhere in Canada, you are eligible for AHCIP coverage on the first day of the third month following your date of arrival. You should register within 3 months of arrival. If you apply later, the effective date of your coverage will be determined when you register. If you are moving within Alberta, please update your informationMoving to Alberta from outside Canada / immigrantsIf you are moving or returning to Alberta from outside Canada, you might be eligible for coverage on the date of your arrival. You must register within 3 months of arrival. Newcomers to Canada are required to present a copy of their Canada entry document along with their other supporting documents. Contact us for more information if you or your dependants hold temporary immigration documents. To apply for coverage, complete and submit the Application for Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan Coverage (Form AHC0102), also available at an authorized registry agent location. Read about registration requirements and eligibilityArriving ahead of your dependants If your dependants plan to join you in Alberta later, you should maintain coverage for your family and yourself at the location where your dependants still live. Contact us for more information if your dependants do not intend to move here within 12 months of your arrival.If you apply for AHCIP coverage for yourself and your family within 3 months of their arrival, coverage will be effective on the first day of the third month after they arrive.
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关心世界小事,不如关心自己和女儿大事。 赏
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