加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi hired sex offenders and violent


Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi boasted that he hired sex offenders and violent criminals to secretly infiltrate Uber, a company Nenshi hates.Here’s what Nenshi said on camera to a driver from a rival car company:We’re no fools. So we sent people to sign up to be Uber drivers to see if they could get through the background check. How we found registered sex offenders, I don’t want to know. And people with convictions for violent crimes. I don’t want to know why we know those people. I just don’t want to know. Nobody will tell me and I don’t want to know. But they all made it through Uber’s theoretical background screening.

"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。 2016-04-27#2 P 507 $0.00 Made up. Not true


Petrochemicaler 说:多大恨啊点击展开...视频:We’re no fools. So we sent people to sign up to be Uber drivers to see if they could get through the background check. How we found registered sex offenders, I don’t want to know. And people with convictions for violent crimes. I don’t want to know why we know those people. I just don’t want to know. Nobody will tell me and I don’t want to know. But they all made it through Uber’s theoretical background screening

"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。视频:We’re no fools. So we sent people to sign up to be Uber drivers to see if they could get through the background check. How we found registered sex offenders, I don’t want to know. And people with convictions for violent crimes. I don’t want to know why we know those people. I just don’t want to know. Nobody will tell me and I don’t want to know. But they all made it through Uber’s theoretical background screening点击展开...The Rebel 是极端右派团体。 一向都是造谣抹黑左派政客,像中国的乌有之乡。

Petrochemicaler 说:The Rebel 是极端右派团体。 一向都是造谣抹黑左派政客,像中国的乌有之乡。点击展开...不关心什么派,那些话是南希嘴里说出的,不是THE TEBEL栽赃的。no video的下面评论的人不都是这个团体里的。还有no video同样的视频有几个,不都是THE TEBEL发的。

"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。不关心什么派,那些话是南希嘴里说出的,不是THE TEBEL栽赃的。no video的下面评论的人不都是这个团体里的。还有no video同样的视频有几个,不都是THE TEBEL发的。点击展开...什么人看什么网站, 乌有之乡的评论不都说老毛好。 rebel的观众估计都是高中毕业在圣经学校读的大学。 Naheed Nenshi没说什么出格的话, 被你描述的他好像说了什么似的。无语。

Petrochemicaler 说:什么人看什么网站, 乌有之乡的评论不都说老毛好。 rebel的观众估计都是高中毕业在圣经学校读的大学。Naheed Nenshi没说什么出格的话, 被你描述的他好像说了什么似的。无语。点击展开...无语的是你吧。你说make up,not true.我搜视频里证明是他亲口说的话:We’re no fools. So we sent people to sign up to be Uber drivers to see if they could get through the background check. How we found registered sex offenders, I don’t want to know. And people with convictions for violent crimes. I don’t want to know why we know those people. I just don’t want to know. Nobody will tell me and I don’t want to know. But they all made it through Uber’s theoretical background screening至于什么人看什么网站。我之前根本不知道乌有之乡是什么东西,觉得名字奇怪我才搜了一下瞄了一下,现在就记得有卖书。看来你这些网站都看,都了解啊,才知道他们是什么样的团体。这么说来,你想说明自己很右呢还是很左呢?还是想把只是搜了个rebel视频贴出来的我描述成右派呢?其实我根本不知道右派左派是什么,维护谁的利益,谁的立场更正确?说实话,有时左转右转我还迷糊呢。除了rebel,uber 和calgary herald也贴视频了。Nenshi Calls Uber Dicks TheUberTapesCalgary Mayor Nenshi talks Uber on PeriscopeCalgary Herald Newsroom

"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。 2016-05-08#9 aws007 2,073 $0.00 从来都不喜欢这个市长。You don't want to know? Then why did you do it?

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