具体情况请电话/email各学校。可以打电话问今年的招生情况,一般都有每年招生的。我一朋友学电气的同学去年link没读完,但成绩达到5就去申请15楼的那个电工课程了。那里今年还会招。Institution: Bow Valley College Name of program: Bridge Brief Description: The program improves learners’ reading, writing and numeracy skills. It focuses on developing the learning strategies and academic study skills necessary for success in further education. Target Group/Special Eligibility: ESL learners aged 18-25 with interrupted formal education, usually 10 years or less. Minimum CLB Levels: L-3; S-3; R-Pre-B; W-Pre-B Registration Dates: Ongoing Semester Dates: Aug 30 Dec 16, 2010; Jan 5 Apr. 21, 2011 Days: Monday - Thursday Times: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: Rocky Mountain Plaza, Rm 400, 615 Macleod Trail SE Contact: Diane Hardy Telephone Number: 403- 410-3409 Fax Number: 403- 441-4740 Website: www.bowvalleycollege.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes - Alberta Advance Education and technology Student Funding: No. Type of Organization: Public # of seats per class: N/A # of seats per program: 40
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。 赏

7,189 $0.00 回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: McBride Career Group Inc. Name of program: Employing the Employable Brief Description: Employing the Employable Program has been structured to assist AISH recipients with medical and/ or physical challenges to entre or re-entre the workforce. Clients may also increase community involvement through volunteer services or attend training/ school to enhance their careers. Target Group/Special Eligibility: AISH recipients with medical and/ or physical conditions interested in obtaining full-time or part- time employment. Minimum CLB Levels: L-7; S-7; R-7; W-7 Registration Dates: Ongoing registration Semester Dates: Ongoing Days: Monday - Friday Times: 8:30 am ? 4:30 pm F/T or P/T: N/A Location: #220, 1210 8th Street SW, Calgary, Abs T2R 1L3 Contact: Reception Telephone Number: 403- 290-1000 Fax Number: 403-234-7206 Website: www.mcbridecareergroup.com E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes ? Alberta Government Student Funding: N/A Type of Organization: Private # of seats per class:评论
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Momentum Name of program: Self Employment Program Brief Description: 26-week program for individuals with a viable business idea needing business training support. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-6; W-6 Registration Dates: January through December Semester Dates: March 2010 Days: Weekdays Times: Varies F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: #16, 2936 Radcliffe Dr. SE, Calgary, AB T2A 6M8 Contact: Gail Telephone Number: 403- 204-2671 Fax Number: 403- 235-4646 Website: www.momentum.org E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes Government of Canada & Government of Alberta Student Funding: Yes. Students may qualify for a Skill Investment Grant (AE&I). Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 12-15 # of seats per program: 12-15
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Momentum Name of program: Women's Venture Program Brief Description: A 6-month program for women with a viable business idea needing business training support. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-6; W-6 Registration Dates: January through December Semester Dates: September and March Days: Tuesday & Thursday evenings Times: 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm F/T or P/T: Part-time Location: #16, 2936 Radcliffe Dr. SE, Calgary and other locations Contact: Candace Telephone Number: 403- 204-2682 Fax Number: 403- 235-4646 Website: www.momentum.org E-mail: candacev@momentumorg Fees: No Funded: Yes-Nexen Inc. Student Funding: No Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 12 # of seats per program: 12
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Employment Communication Workshop Brief Description: Canadian Business Communication & Canadian Business Culture. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Immigrants ready to enter the job market. Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-6; W-6 Registration Dates: Contact the institution (CCIS) for dates Semester Dates: Contact CCIS Days: Monday to Friday for 4 weeks Times: 9:00 am 3:00 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: 3rd Floor, 120 17th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2T2 Contact: Merylyn Sahai Telephone Number: 403- 290-5772 Fax Number: 403- 262-2033 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes CIC & AE&I Student Funding: No Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 120
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Employment Services Brief Description: To help new immigrants with work search techniques, career planning and labour market information that may enhance integration into the Canadian work culture. Target Group/Special Eligibility: New immigrants including those unemployed or underemployed Minimum CLB Levels: L-5; S-5; R-5; W-5 Registration Dates: Ongoing Semester Dates: N/A Days: Monday - Friday Times: 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. F/T or P/T: N/A Location: 3rd Floor, 120 17th Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2T2 Contact: Reception Telephone Number: 403- 262-2006 Fax Number: 403- 262-2033 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes CIC & AE&I Student Funding: No Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 150
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association Name of program: Links to Success: Skills Enhancement and Internships for Young Immigrant Women Brief Description: 14 weeks of pre-employment training and career planning followed by 10 weeks at a work placement Target Group/Special Eligibility: Immigrant mothers between the age of 15 and 30 with employment barriers Minimum CLB Levels: L-5; S-5; R-5; W-5 Registration Dates: March 2010, August/Sept. 2010 Semester Dates: April 12 Sept. 24, 2010; Oct. 12, 2010- March 25, 2011 Days: Monday Friday Times: F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: CIWA - #200, 138 4th Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4Z6 Contact: Melanie Anne Bonnar Telephone Number: 403- 263-4414, ext. 143 Fax Number: 403- 264-3914 Website: www.ciwa-online.com E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes CIC & Service Canada Student Funding: Yes- Participants receive minimum wage for entire program Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 12 # of seats per program: 12
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Making Changes Association Name of program: Employment and Life Skills Program Brief Description: Increases confidence with information about employment, programs and services, Canadian business culture, job search techniques and communication skills. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Immigrant women; child minding is available for children 6 months to 6 years of age. Minimum CLB Levels: L 3/4; S 3/4; R - 3/4; W - 3/4 Registration Dates: Ongoing Semester Dates: Ongoing Days: Contact Making Changes Times: Contact Making Changes F/T or P/T: Part-time (one day per week for six weeks) Location: Workshops are held at a central location. Office address: 927 7 Avenue SW Contact: Elaine Lupul Telephone Number: 403- 262-5776 Fax Number: N/A Website: www.makingchangesassociation.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes- AE&I and Government of Canada Student Funding: N/A Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 20 # of seats per program: 80
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Robertson College Name of program: ESENCE (English Skills for Employment, Networking and Career Exploration) Brief Description: Prepares immigrants to find meaningful, above minimum wage employment or enroll in further education leading to employment in a vocational or professional area. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Immigrants who have finished basic language training and are ready to look for skilled employment opportunities. Minimum CLB Levels: L-5; S-5; R-4; W-4 Registration Dates: Ongoing Semester Dates: Continuous intake the beginning of very month Days: Monday Friday Times: 8:00 am 1:00 pm or 1:00 pm 6:00 pm depending on intake F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: #300, 417 14th Street, NW, Calgary, AB T2N 2A1 Contact: Crystal Genoway, ESL Coordinator Telephone Number: 403- 920-0070 Fax Number: 403- 263-8176 Website: www.robertsoncollege.com E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No if student qualifies for funding Funded: Students may qualify for a Skills Investment grant.(AE&I). Student Funding: Yes. Type of Organization: Private # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 67 seats in total
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程好贴,献花
煮饭侠回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: YWCA of Calgary Name of program: Canadian Employment Skills Brief Description: A learner-centered program focusing on communication skills and workplace culture, mentoring and work experience components. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Landed Immigrants or Canadian Citizens (in Canada 10 years or less). Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-5; W-5 Registration Dates: On-going Semester Dates: November 2010 - April 2011 Days: Monday Friday Times: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: 320 5th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0E5 Contact: Carol Rix Telephone Number: 403- 538-2537 Fax Number: 403- 232-1595 Website: www.ywcaofcalgary.com E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes AE&I & Government of Canada Student Funding: No Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 20 # of seats per program: 20
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程nstitution: ABES Alberta Business and Educational Services Name of program: Enhanced Sterile Processing Technician Program for Internationally Educated Professionals Brief Description: The Sterile Processing Technician Program is a 36 week program designed to provide unemployed or underemployed immigrants who are internationally educated health care professionals with the language skills, technical skills, and employability skills necessary to obtain employment as surgical processor/sterile processing technicians. The program contains 300 integrated hours of Essential English for Health Care; 430 hours of skills training; (including 10 hours of first aid/CPR). In -class training is augmented by 320 hours of practicum/work experience in partnership with Alberta Health Services. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Internationally educated professionals who have a minimum of two- years post secondary education in health sciences or life sciences with a technologist qualification or higher. Work experience in the health sciences or life sciences is an asset. Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-6; W-6 Registration Dates: Workshops are offered on an ongoing basis to assist with registration, and funding applications. Semester Dates: January, 2011 Days: Monday through Thursday (Practicum is five days a week) Times: 8:30 am- 3:15 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: 2911 3rd. Avenue NE, Calgary Contact: Lisa Ledda, Program Coordinator Telephone Number: 403- 232-8758 Fax Number: 403- 265-9368 Website: www.abes.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes - AE&I Student Funding: Yes - Alberta Works funding is available Type of Organization: Private # of seats per class: 16 # of seats per program: 16
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Bredin Institute Centre for Learning Name of program: Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Internationally Trained Engineers Brief Description: This 28-week program will integrate language training with different levels of computer software training, culminating with comprehensive training in the suite of Revit BIM software programs for engineers seeking training and employment in designing and drafting. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Internationally trained engineers Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-6; W-6 Registration Dates: Ongoing Semester Dates: Contact Bredin Institute Days: Monday Friday Times: 9:00 am 3:30 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: #250, 910 7th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 3N8 Contact: Kerri Drummond Telephone Number: 403- 261-5775 Fax Number: 403- 264-9736 Website: www.bredin.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: TBA Student Funding: TBA Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 15
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Drilling Rig-Hand Training Program Brief Description: 15-week training for entry-level employment in the Drilling Industry a Floor hand. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Landed immigrant, less than 10 years in Canada, EI or social assistance recipient. Limited space for those not receiving funding; must possess a valid driver’s license and vehicle, physically fit Minimum CLB Levels: L-5; S-5; R-5; W-5 Registration Dates: contact CCIS Semester Dates: Contact CCIS Days: Monday Friday Times: 8:30 am 4:30 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: CCIS (Suite 610, 1509 Centre Street S) & Enform in Calgary & Nisku Contact: Bob Khan Telephone Number: 403- 264-4850 ext. 241 Fax Number: 403- 264-4858 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes AE&I and the Government of Canada Student Funding: Yes. Students may qualify for a Skill Investment Grant (AE&I). Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 15
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Electrician Upgrading & Certification Program Brief Description: Designed to upgrade foreign trained Electricians to be employed as Journeymen Electricians in Alberta. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Landed immigrants, less than 10 years in Canada Minimum CLB Levels: L - 5; S - 5; R - 5; W - 5 Registration Dates: Ongoing Semester Dates: October 4, 2010 to May 6, 2011 Days: Monday Friday Times: 8:30 am 4:00 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: CCIS / SAIT Contact: Luminita Tihan Telephone Number: 403- 290-5119 Fax Number: 403- 264-4858 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes AE&I, Government of Canada Student Funding: Yes Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 15
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Engineering & Technology Upgrading Program Brief Description: The program will assist new immigrant professionals through training, upgrading, coaching and mentoring combined with engineering work experience, to find permanent employment as Canadian engineers in training. Training will take place in various steps including CCIS Training, SAIT Training and a Work Experience. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Resident of Alberta for 90 days, maximum 10 years in Canada; BSc., M.Sc., Ph.D Engineering, Geology or Geophysics; minimum 3 years foreign work experience; EI recipients- past three years, parental benefits past five years Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-6; R-6; W-6 Registration Dates: Oct.11 ? Nov. 19, 2010 Semester Dates: Nov. 22, 2010 Days: Monday to Friday Times: 8:00 am ? 4:30pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: #200, 1509 Centre St. S. Calgary Contact: Sholeh Mahdavi, Program Coordinator Telephone Number: 403- 290-5110 Fax Number: 403- 261-4858 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes - AE&I Student Funding: Yes Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 15
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Enhanced Language Training for Professions in the Energy Sector Brief Description: 14 weeks of intense language training with a focus on the Energy Sector and Canadian workplace adaptation. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Professional Immigrants with work experience in the Energy Sector Minimum CLB Levels: L-6; S-5; R-6; W-6 (6 in 3 of 4 areas) Registration Dates: contact program coordinator Semester Dates: May 3 - Aug 6 (class dates); Aug 9 - Oct 29, 2010 (employment support) Days: Monday- Friday Times: 9 am - 4 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: 200, 1509 Centre Street, SW, Calgary, AB Contact: Erin Donais Telephone Number: 403- 290-5129 Fax Number: 403- 264-4858 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes ? AE&I, CIC Student Funding: Yes - Students must go thru Prospect to check availability of funding Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 30
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Millwright Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program Brief Description: Provides language, math & science upgrading, occupational Skills training, and work experience to immigrants for employment & career development. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Immigrants residing in Canada for no more than 10 years, on EI/Maternity Benefits/ RB/ Other, occupationally suitable, job-ready, able and willing to commit in training and finding work in the trades. Minimum CLB Levels: L-5; S-5; R-5; W-5 (Additional assessments of English, math, science and aptitude also include in the selection process. ) Registration Dates: From August 2010 Semester Dates: October 2010 to May 2011 Days: Monday - Friday Times: Schedules vary F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: CCIS Business Centre, SAIT & local companies Contact: My Theander Telephone Number: 403-290-5121 Fax Number: 403- 264-4858 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes the Government of Canada & the Government of Alberta Student Funding: Yes subject to application Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 14 # of seats per program: 14
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Name of program: Refrigeration and air Conditioning Employment Training Brief Description: This Pre-Employment Training Program has been developed in partnership with SAIT to provide immigrants with English language improvement, occupational skills training, employability skills, and work experience to enable them to successfully secure employment as first year Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanics. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Newcomers with mechanical aptitude Minimum CLB Levels: L-5; S-5; R-5; W-5 Registration Dates: August - October 2010 Semester Dates: October 12, 2010 - May 20, 2011 Days: Monday - Friday Times: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: CCIS and SAIT --Work Experience with various employers Contact: Amanda Koyama Telephone Number: 403 - 290-5115 Fax Number: 403- 264-4858 Website: www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca E-mail: [email protected] Fees: No Funded: Yes Student Funding: Yes. Students may qualify for Alberta Works Student Funding Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 16 # of seats per program: 16
"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。回复: 免费的培训课程Institution: Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association Name of program: Bridging the Gap for Foreign-Trained Accountants Brief Description: Bridging the Gap for Foreign-Trained Accountants’ project assists professional immigrant women with accounting and finance backgrounds transition into entry level accounting positions in Canada. The 24 weeks project includes 14 weeks of class work and a 10 week work experience element. Target Group/Special Eligibility: Foreign Trained Accountants Minimum CLB Levels: L-7; S-7; R-7; W-7 Registration Dates: Beginning September, 2010 Semester Dates: 08-Oct-10 Days: Monday - Friday Times: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm F/T or P/T: Full-time Location: CIWA - #200, 138 4th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4Z6 Contact: Rekha Gadhia, Project Coordinator Telephone Number: 403- 263-4414 ext: 141 Fax Number: 403- 264-3914 Website: www.ciwa-online.com E-mail: [email protected]/ Fees: No Funded: Yes CIC Student Funding: Yes Childcare and travel costs are covered for the duration of the program. Type of Organization: Non-profit # of seats per class: 15 # of seats per program: 30
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