加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Do I need to pay the parking ticket?
I was very disappointed. I got a parking ticket ($65)while shopping at the Sears in North Hill Mall on Black Friday, without noticing the signs on the parking lot.Anyone parking in the lot around the Sears at that mall, should register the vehicle licence plate at the pay station for 2 hours free parking.The Sears store do this because it has a problem stopping the SAIT students from parking there.Do I really need to pay the ticket?
直接找sears的customer services,最好别不闻不问
如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 赏 反馈:八根儿 2016-11-26#3 F 734 $0.00 Just read this article online another day, hopefully this will help out. It's worth looking into it.http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/marketplace-parking-private-lots-1.3851956
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