加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求租近Chinatown白天停车位
刚换了工作, 第一次要在DT上班了, 没有任何头绪啊, 求勾搭, 求推荐, 有没有工作日白天的停车位出租啊, 最好近Chinatown, 远一点也不要紧的...先谢过啦!
not many...i heard some one resale the parking lot they signed as a tenant(usually $80-110/m)... but that violates the building management policy.or you can rent your own parking from impark/calgary parking authority/west parking/indigo/etc.they are usually $300 (uncovered outdoor, 4-5 blocks away from downtown core), 9th ave, 9th st sw for example.under $400 - semi-covered parkade that is closed to downtown core(1-2 blocks away), for example Bow Parkade, or fully covered underground parking that is 4-5 blocks away from downtown core, with no +15 skywalk access), for example City Hall Parkingabove $400, like bow valley square underground parking, James Short Underground Parking, they are about $450/month
思索是痛苦的,我越思索就越讨厌自己,因而也就越痛苦。因为我所想的常和别人不一样,甚至格格不入。 赏 2016-12-05#3 E 446 $0.00 and btw, if you'd like to wait until Christmas, or New Year or Summer... they usually have promotions where you can get roughly 10-25% off
思索是痛苦的,我越思索就越讨厌自己,因而也就越痛苦。因为我所想的常和别人不一样,甚至格格不入。 赏 2016-12-06#4 T 770 $0.00 要去就去rentfaster看看吧
步行15分钟到Chinatown可以接受吗? 在Bow River北岸。
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