加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息国内生小孩怎么带回加拿大
卸载了搜狗输入法,系统的中文不好打,用英语打了,You need 3 things,1. Canadian Citizenship Certifcate. 2.Canadain Passport3.One-time Exit and Entry Permit (通行证, like the picture I posted)Apply for a Canadian Citizenship Certificate for the child first in the nearest Canadian Embassy in China, then you will be able to apply for a Canadian Passport for your child supported by the Citizenship Certificate.You shouldn't have any porblems in getting these two documents.It's just a matter of time. It takes around 3 to 6 months to get the Citizenship Certificate and around two months for a Passport or shorter time by urgent case with more fees. You can get both of them done in China.You child can't leave China even holding a Canadian Passport, since he was born in China without a valid record of entry and the Canadian Passport is brand-new. You still have to apply for a One-time Exit and Entry Permit.If the father is still a Chinese Citizen, contact his City level of Policy Bureau to figure out how to apply. It could be really cumbersome to get this done. Also, this might involves cancelling HuKou first if the child does have one as well as quitting of Chinese Citizenship for the Child. Anyway, the exact steps and policy vary from province to province.
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