加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息询问美甲师需要考执照吗
做美甲师需不需要考执照呀? 哪位可以帮我解答下,多谢啦!
回复: 询问美甲师需要考执照吗美甲沙龙必须遵守环境公共卫生部门设立的规则和检验可以去相关部门获取信息如何获得批准设置您的业务http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/services.asp?pid=saf&rid=1080216Environmental Public Health - Personal ServicesPublic health inspectors review plans for new businesses, approve facilities prior to opening, conduct inspections to ensure safe practices are followed and facilities are maintained as the Personal Services Regulation requires, and investigate any complaints received from clients. Public health inspectors may apply the requirements of the Personal Services Regulation and its related Health Standards and Guidelines in personal services facilities offering services including, but not limited to: barbering body and ear piercing body body and facial waxing electrolysis facials hair styling or hair replacement make-up application manicures massage pedicures permanent make-up application sensory deprivation tanks tanning tattooing
回复: 询问美甲师需要考执照吗美甲师在艾伯塔省无需执照但你工作的沙龙要有牌照Alberta Nail Technician: No licensing
回复: 询问美甲师需要考执照吗非常感谢呀!小妹这厢有礼了~~
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