在我未登录之前曾经写过一篇帖子来讨论卡尔加里的LINC以及ESL学习资源:开贴聊一聊FUNDING/ESL/LINC/TRAINING的话题 光阴荏苒,转眼两年过去,自己也经历了绝大多数移民都有过的历程:登陆、学习、求职、定居。。。。。。 无论想法还是心态都和当初有了很大的不同,不变的是对于学习,特别是语言学习的坚持。 自从结束了LINC5的课程后,我就再也没有上过任何语言学习的课程。虽然还是一直坚持听读的训练,说和写也在日常的工作中有了长足的进步,但还是会常常感到语言能力的不足。 最近收集了一些除了LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源,就此大家分享讨论一下。
煮饭侠 赏
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论首先是Church-Based ESL Programs。大家都知道很多教堂都有免费的ESL学习活动,但是到哪里去找这些信息呢?下面的网页有卡尔加里所有提供ESL PROGRAM的教堂列表:http://www.eslcooperative.ca/index.php/churches/church-based-esl-programs.html 以及地理分布:http://www.google.ca/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=105699520836690708808.0004793760f6e0f403f83&ll=51.093869,-114.089713&spn=0.389249,0.276718&source=embed 注意,虽然绝大部分课程都是免费的,但还是有部分收费的。建议先和对应的教堂联系确认好后再行前去。
煮饭侠回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论mark, 慢慢看
NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论等着看,楼主出的都是精品啊
知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求2月21日 DHL,3月15日DM,3月18日收到visa有变化总是好的回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论back up
回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论感谢楼主
回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论非常感谢啊,您老的东西都是精品啊
一家人终于团聚了回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论有时间好好琢磨下,谢谢
回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论为什么把教会的ESL资源放在第一位,是出于以下几个理由: 轻松友善的气氛 结识新朋友的机会 文化习俗的学习 这些东西,其实在加拿大的任何一个语言培训或者移民服务机构都有,但在这里会更突出一些。盖无论活动本身还是活动组织者都不是籍此来谋生,而是出于自身的热忱而发起、参与到这项事业中来的。态度决定一切。在这样的大前提下,任何的参与者都会从中受益。不仅仅是语言。
煮饭侠回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论好好看...
lg主0213 09.10.27初审 10.1.7 RN 10.1.23 ielts (8 7 6 7.5)10.5.4补料投妥BJ(ielts考试中心邮寄10.4.23投妥)10.5.8FN 10.6.3BJ6 10.6.3IP 10.6.21BJ12 10.7.23BJ8 10.8.2BJ6 10.8.10BJ8 10.10.22BJ6 10.12.1BJ12 11.8.31me(ROD) 11.9.22体检 11.9.28补儿子材料 11.11.1儿子me 12.3.28or29DM 9月短登温哥华回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论莫非最近有些闲功夫了?
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论我怎么依稀记得以前还有坑没填完呢?
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论谢谢chris,真不愧是有心之人啊。赞一个!
回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论感谢LZ分享学语言的体会。 赞!
回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论学习!
回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论我怎么依稀记得以前还有坑没填完呢?点击展开...有坑 倒不是闲,刚好自己也在找相关的资源,所以就顺手写点咯。
煮饭侠回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论接下来要谈关于图书馆的ESL资源。其实对于新移民来说图书馆是一个极其重要且有用的资源,可不是所有人都意识到并充分利用了这一资源。包括我在内,仍然在不断的学习和摸索中。不过有一点可以肯定:你在图书馆花的时间越多,所得必然越丰厚。 以下是一些相关信息: ESL Coffee and ConversationCome to the library to meet new people, share stories and practice your English conversation skills!People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to participate in this drop-in program. The program provides a relaxed environment for English learners to practice speaking and listening in English.This is a drop-in program, so no registration is required.ESL Coffee and Conversation is now offered at 7 branch locations around Calgary, including:Central LibraryCountry HillsCrowfootForest LawnSaddletowneShawnessyVillage SquarePlease refer to the Adult Program Guide or visit Programs and Classes for information about times and dates. 无需注册、预约。适合刚落地的移民朋友。 ESL Conversation Club (Intermediate Level)Register in this 8-week program designed to improve your English language abilities! The program is for intermediate-level English language learners. Classes will focus on speaking and listenining in English. Participants will discuss interesting topics related to life in Calgary and Canada. Click on Programs and Classes from the Calgary Public Website to register. 比前面那个程度要略高些,需要注册。 ESL Library ToursAre you new to the library? Come in for a library tour! Library Tours for newcomers to Canada and ESL learners are designed to introduce learners to library materials, programs and services. The information in the tours can help newcomers to better integrate and settle into Canadian society. To book a tour, visit your local library branch or call 403-260-2600. For tours at the Central Library location, visit the 5th floor (Diversity Services) or call 403-774-7252. 这个有意思。没有去过图书馆或者还没有办卡的朋友,可以预约一次有人讲解的图书馆之旅,了解图书馆的资源和其他相关情况。据说,经常还会送办卡的coupon。。。。。。 ESL Teen TalkESL Teen Talk is a program for newcomer teens to practice their English language skills and enjoy fun activities in a safe and friendly environment. This program allows teens to make friends and strengthen their English language skills.This program is geared toward teens between the ages of 10-14. To register for this program, please call 403-260-2620 or register by clicking on Programs and Classes from the Calgary Public Website to register. 家有teenage的新移民家长,如果正在为孩子的语言程度进展忧心的话,不妨尝试一下这个program。 Language Learning LabThe Language Learning Lab is located on the 5th floor of the Central Library. The Lab provides audio equipment and language learning materials that are designed to improve various English language skills, such as pronunciation, vocabulary, listening and speaking. Customers also have the opportunity to learn new languages. Mango LanguagesMango Languages offers a fast, easy, and effective way to learn a foreign language, including English. All Calgary Public Library cardholders are able to access Mango Languages online free-of-charge! 一个对持图书馆卡者免费的在线语言学习网站。 Homework Help Summary: Students meet in small groups with trained volunteers for homework help and fun literacy activities. Grades 3 to 6 Audience: Kids - Ages 8 to 12 Locations: Country Hills Crowfoot, Forest Lawn, Shawnessy, Village Square由志愿者对学龄儿童进行家庭作业辅导的项目。 Homework Club for New Canadians Summary: If you are a new Canadian student in grades 1 to 9, come after school for homework help. Help with English is available for grades 10 to 12. Presented by the Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth. Funded by the United Way and the City of Calgary Family and Support Services. For more information, call 403-999-1370. Audience: Kids & Teens Thorn-Hill, Village Square 这也是一个家庭作业的辅导项目,但是主要针对新移民家庭。 Reading Buddies Summary: Teen volunteers and Library staff provide one-on-one reading support and fun literacy activities for readers in Grades 1 to 3. Audience: Kids & Teens - Ages 5 to 8 这也是一个超好的项目,由志愿者对儿童进行阅读辅导。我自己的感受,阅读是一切学习的基础。一个有良好阅读习惯和阅读冲动的孩子,不知要给父母省多少心! Learning Advantage Volunteers work one-on-one with adult learners to achieve individual goals in reading, writing and numeracy. Reading, Writing and Math Flexible meeting dates and times Free with a Calgary Public Library card Available at 18 Libraries Continuous enrollmentCall 403-260-2729 for more [email protected] 这是一个成人项目,一对一的辅导。 还有好多类似于给小孩子讲故事、教老年人学习电脑等等项目就不再赘述了。登录图书馆网站:http://calgarypubliclibrary.com/ , 上面什么都有。当然最好的办法还是亲自去一趟图书馆!
煮饭侠回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论牛!
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.回复: 关于LINC和ESL之外的英语学习资源讨论谢谢楼主分享
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