加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息卡尔加里十个社区青少年篮球组织开始接受报名



九岁以上,每周训练至少一次,周六比赛。 具体比赛时间表由CMBA制定 WWW.CMBA.AB.CA

是不是每周训练和比赛的时间和场地都不固定? 我们今年刚报了, 但是担心不好安排时间。

maggie872 说:是不是每周训练和比赛的时间和场地都不固定? 我们今年刚报了, 但是担心不好安排时间。点击展开...训练的时间基本会在九月份下旬固定,场地在社区篮球内的学校或其他体育场所, 教练定下来后不会有太大变化;比赛的时间在周六9点到下午5点的任何时间段。 教练和社区篮球组织不能控制。 虽然比赛的场地和时间是不能固定到具体的时间段,但是同冰球,室内足球等项目比较,适合篮球比赛的场地很多,所以可以统一固定在周六白天。冰球和室内足球比赛有可能会在周日。下面是我所在社区篮球组织SCCBA网站上的介绍.............Once placed on a team, this is where the player stays for the season.The players coach/manger will contact him/her and advise them of what night andwhere they will be practicing. All CMBA players practice ONE night per week,Once again using local facilities within the SCCBA Boundaries for practices.Practices can begin as early 6:00 pm, and are a minimum of one hour in length.Younger players are slotted into the earlier time slots, if we have the facilities.ALL CMBA players have games on Saturdays. These can begin as early as 9:00 am, and start as late as 4:45 pm. At the High School CMBA level, games can be played on Friday evenings.SCCBA has no control over the game schedule that is issued through CMBA (Calgary Minor Basketball).Game facilities can be anywhere within the CMBA boundaries, which means CITY WIDE, including Okotoks, Airdrie and Cochrane.All SCCBA CMBA players receive a SCCBA Basketball Uniform.There is a required uniform deposit before this will be handed put to the player.Any uniforms not returned by Mar. 31st, your uniform deposit cheque will be cashed.Players are also required to have a good pair of non marking running shoes, as well as a basketball.Mini Boys and Girls Basketball size 5Bantam Boys and Girls Basketball, size 6Midget, High School Girls Basketball, size 6Midget, High School Boys Basketball, size 7

西北篮球社区网站上的内容, 基本相同.http://cnwb.ca.......PracticesOnce placed on a team, this is where the player stays for the season. The player’s coach/manger will contact him/her and advise them of what night anywhere they will be practicing. Calgary NorthWest teams typically practice ONE night per week. Practices can begin as early 6:00 pm, and are 1-2 hrs in length. Younger players are slotted into the earlier time slots, if we have the facilitiesPLEASE NOTE: Practice nights will not be determined until after the evaluation process is complete, teams are formed, and coaches placed.GamesAll teams will participate in a “seeding round” to ensure they will be competing in divisions with other teams of similar skill and ability. Players and teams competing with similar players and teams ensure maximum fun and skill development! Every team will play in divisional playoffs at the end of the season ALL game times for CMBA teams are on Saturdays. These can begin as early as 9:00 am, and start as late as 4:45 pm.At the High School CMBA level, games can be played on Friday evenings. Calgary NorthWest Basketball has no control over the game schedule that is issued through CMBA (Calgary Minor Basketball). Game facilities can be anywhere within the CMBA boundaries, which means CITY WIDE, including Okotoks, Airdrie and Cochrane.All CNWB CMBA players receive a Basketball Uniform. These are to be worn at games only, NOT practices and are to be returned at the end of the season. Failure to do so by April 1, 2019 will result in a $125 charge to your credit card. ....

提醒,如果您家小朋友报名的是8岁以下的社区篮球, TYKE, 不许要准备篮球,一般社区组织会给每个小朋友发一个五号的篮球。- MINI BOYS & GIRLS, (9-10 岁) 需要自己准备五号球, 27.5cm- BANTAM BOYS (11-12岁), 六号球, 28.5CM- BANTAM & Midget girls & Older , 六号球, 28.5CM- Midget Boys & older , 七号球, 29.5cm

  ·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计



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