加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息AMBER Alerts and Missing Kids


AMBER Alerts in ActionAMBER Alerts are only issued in Canada when there is reason to believe that:A child has been abducted;A child is in grave danger; andAn alert could assist in the safe recovery of a child.An AMBER Alert is only intended for time-sensitive situations, and is only activated when police determine the criteria for issuing an AMBER Alert has been met. While an AMBER Alert can be a very important tool in helping locate a child and a suspect, it is important to remember that these types of alerts are not always appropriate in every circumstance, and that their continued effectiveness depends on ensuring that they are only used in cases where a child may be in grave danger and time is of the essence.AMBER Alerts have been used by law enforcement in Canada for over 10 years and have led to many successful child recoveries.https://missingkids.ca/app/en/about_usAbout MissingKids.caWelcome to MissingKids.ca, Canada’s missing children resource centre. We offer families support in finding their missing child and provide educational materials to help prevent children from going missing. MissingKids.ca is owned and operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, a charitable organization dedicated to the personal safety of all children.Every year, more than 50,000 reports of missing children are made to police in Canada. We know that children go missing for many reasons, and come from every walk of life and from every corner of this country. As a resource centre, MissingKids.ca partners with police and other stakeholders in the search for missing children.MissingKids.ca offers:A central place for families to register their missing child to request support from a trained caseworker in the search for their childEducational materials to help prevent children from going missingInnovative online and offline search toolsAccess to a community response plan to help guide communities on how best to assist in the search for a missing childThe option to receive missing child alerts so individuals may become a part of the search for our missing children

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