加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教,ON换AB驾照
我的G full license是17.10月拿到的,到今年10月两年。再之前是一年G2驾照。我这种情况过去以后可以换到standard class 5吗? 还是只能换class5 GDL?问了一家registry agent,她说应该可以,但不确定。。。另外,有推荐的registry agent吗?还是说都一样。最后,我lease的车准备托运过去,明年就还了,这一年还用买Calgary的牌照和sticker吗?多谢。
"If you have not held the Class 5 (standard driver's licence) or Class 6 (motorcycle) licence for a minimum of two years, you may be placed into the graduated drivers licence (GDL) program. "see from part of "Exchange a licence from another province " via https://www.alberta.ca/exchange-non-alberta-licences.aspx
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