Calgary’s Chinese community shows support for Hong Kong protestors
By Helen Pike Helen Pike

Contributed Kempton Lam photographs a group of Calgarians gathered Sunday, September 28 holding up characters that read: "Calgarians support Hong Kong Occupy Central Movement." About 30 Calgarians gathered Sunday at the Crescent Height Scenic Viewpoint to show their support for the Hong Kong umbrella movement, a reportedly peaceful protest started by pro-democratic students.Organized by Pun York Tong and Paul Cheng, the group posed for a photo to show their support for students and citizen protesters, holding up characters that read: “Calgarians support Hong Kong Occupy Central Movement.”Tong says the actions of police make people in Hong Kong very upset. “We want to tell people who are living overseas to know that it was not reasonable,” he said. “We are now living in Canada very safely and enjoying democracy, but the students in Hong Kong also want to have democracy.” The week-old movement garnered international attention and criticism from citizens of Hong Kong and spectators around the world after reports of police using tear gas against protestors.Kempton Lam, a Documentary filmmaker with family in Hong Kong, was at the Calgary gathering. He has been watching events unfold over social media, his main source for information on protests.“Seeing stuff like this happening in Hong Kong just pulls my heart,” he says. “I think people around the world see what’s happening in Hong Kong as wrong.”The local support is small, but growing. Monday, after the event a Facebook group was created. It now has over 70 members with plans of another event in the future
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 赏 
反馈:phil79 2014-09-30#2

622 $0.00 拜托, 我不支持, 请不要代表我这个卡城小市民.
2001.10 -> BJ FN2005.1.16 -> ME2005.5.17 -> Visa2005.7.28 -> Calgary
赏 2014-09-30#5 W 4,335 $0.00 20个代表全卡的人?
家园网这么不遗余力的报道HK 的占中,政治感太强烈了。我虽然不是五毛,也反感。
Raymond 说:什么是占中?是要占领中国么点击展开...占领 HK 的中环。
滚蛋, 凭啥代表你大爷我?
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。
反馈:安迪, lawye, maidong 和另外1个人 2014-09-30#11 卡 475 $0.00 在中国我被人大代表,在卡城又被别人代表了,尼玛的,都经过我授权了吗?
你先滚蛋吧,孙子。 汉语都读不懂了吗?名词决定性质,形容词/数量词决定范围。有吗?再说了,只是转发而已。
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”你先滚蛋吧,孙子。 汉语都读不懂了吗?名词决定性质,形容词/数量词决定范围。有吗?再说了,只是转发而已。点击展开...尼玛的,闲的你蛋痛,标题不是你写的?你倒是把数量词写上呀,23个卡尔加里中国人。。。。
尼玛,脑残。如果你买个房子住在Calgary,报纸报道:“中国人住在 Calgary”,难道你就把14亿中国人都来住了?
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”尼玛的,闲的你蛋痛,标题不是你写的?你倒是把数量词写上呀,23个卡尔加里中国人。。。。点击展开...没说你,一边玩去。
" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 赏 2014-09-30#16 L 678 $0.00 香港极少数民主流氓不能代表香港多数民众,卡尔加里的极少数人也代表不了多数华人,谁希望中国乱糟糟?谁希望改革开放停滞?谁希望老百姓在民族分裂中煎熬?
Calgary’s Chinese community shows support for Hong Kong protestors
By Helen Pike Helen Pike

Contributed Kempton Lam photographs a group of Calgarians gathered Sunday, September 28 holding up characters that read: "Calgarians support Hong Kong Occupy Central Movement." About 30 Calgarians gathered Sunday at the Crescent Height Scenic Viewpoint to show their support for the Hong Kong umbrella movement, a reportedly peaceful protest started by pro-democratic students.Organized by Pun York Tong and Paul Cheng, the group posed for a photo to show their support for students and citizen protesters, holding up characters that read: “Calgarians support Hong Kong Occupy Central Movement.”Tong says the actions of police make people in Hong Kong very upset. “We want to tell people who are living overseas to know that it was not reasonable,” he said. “We are now living in Canada very safely and enjoying democracy, but the students in Hong Kong also want to have democracy.” The week-old movement garnered international attention and criticism from citizens of Hong Kong and spectators around the world after reports of police using tear gas against protestors.Kempton Lam, a Documentary filmmaker with family in Hong Kong, was at the Calgary gathering. He has been watching events unfold over social media, his main source for information on protests.“Seeing stuff like this happening in Hong Kong just pulls my heart,” he says. “I think people around the world see what’s happening in Hong Kong as wrong.”The local support is small, but growing. Monday, after the event a Facebook group was created. It now has over 70 members with plans of another event in the future点击展开...照片中的几位,带什么墨镜,有种去拍照片,就摘掉墨镜,让大家好好看看到底是谁。
我支持 香港部分 市民 的 占中 行动。我支持 香港人 行使 民主权利。我支持 香港人 一人一票 的普选 要求。
道玄龙神 说:我支持 香港部分 市民 的 占中 行动。我支持 香港人 行使 民主权利。我支持 香港人 要求 一人一票 的普选 要求。点击展开...赞同。假如 calgary现在也是女王指定候选人,你怎么想?
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