加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息BC 1000元疫情补贴18起可网上申请


Applications for BC's $1,000 COVID-19 recovery benefit open this monthDaily Hive / 2020-12-08 12:17Money-500x256.jpgThe BC government introduced legislation today to secure funding for the the tax-free BC Recovery Benefit, which was promised by the NDP during the last election campaign.A hallmark promise of Horgan’s election campaign, the benefit means a one-time $1,000 payment to families with an annual household income below $125,000 – with a sliding scale up to $175,000, or a $500 direct deposit to single people earning less than $62,000 annually – with a sliding scale up to $87,000.British Columbians receiving income assistance and disability assistance will be eligible for the BC Recovery Benefit. As well, people on income assistance, disability assistance, and low-income seniors receiving the senior’s supplement will receive an additional recovery benefit at $150 per month from January 2021 to March 2021.With the passage of the bill, British Columbians will be able to apply online for the benefit, starting on December 18.In general, the benefit is available to people:“We know that making ends meet during the holiday season is a concern for many families, even without the added stress of a pandemic,” said BC Finance Minister Selina Robinson on Tuesday. “These benefits will also help stimulate our local economy and support small businesses that are working hard and providing good jobs for people.”See also:Horgan said his government has “worked hard to get the BC Recovery Benefit to people as soon as possible.”As to whether the money will actually be in people’s pockets in time for Christmas, Robinson said that’s the plan. “We expect people will receive [the money] in a direct deposit within days of their application,” she said.For those who don’t want to apply online, Robinson said a call centre will open – likely on December 21 – “and people will be able to call that number.”Still, she encouraged people to apply for the benefit online, and said that once someone has done so, things “move very quickly… and we are expecting we will be able to get [the money] in their bank account before Christmas.”Asked about the administrative cost to the government of this program, Robinson said it’s between $1.6 to $1.7 billion. “We’ve rolled in those on disability and social assistance, as well,” she said.


没有说是line 150还是line 260,等于没说啊

小雷音 说:没有说是line 150还是line 260,等于没说啊点击展开...等申请开放后应该会明确。。。但愿


WhiteWind 说:等申请开放后应该会明确。。。但愿点击展开...今天看到是line236,哈哈

小雷音 说:今天看到是line236,哈哈点击展开...我感兴趣的是这个125000收入是以什么标准制订的,算是本地的中产标准么?

WhiteWind 说:我感兴趣的是这个125000收入是以什么标准制订的,算是本地的中产标准么?点击展开...根据预算定的,按这个计算要发多少钱。政府的脑子里没有标准的,只认钱。你看这边小学放学都是精确到分钟,什么53分钟,26分钟,都是预算罢了

  ·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计



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