我用turbotax报税,国内退休有养老金,外国养老金foreign slip,source country 填的是中华人民共和国,在exchange rate填0.1944, 在other pension income一栏,我不知道填人民币金额还是换算成加元金额呢?请高人指点。
Line 11500 - Pensions from a foreign country
Note: Line 11500 was line 115 before tax year 2019.If you received a pension from another country, report in Canadian dollars your gross foreign pension income received in the year. Use the Bank of Canada exchange rate in effect on the day you received the pension. If you received the pension at different times during the year, use the average annual rate. The average monthly rate and the daily rate are available by visiting the Bank of Canada website.要求以加元报告养老金的总收入。麻烦你能告诉我是如何确定填人民币金额的吗?谢谢。评论
领中国退休金要报税 汇率以收款当日计算
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 药物补助计划吾家小园 / 健身 / 减脂 / 灵异传奇 / 读懂验血报告谢谢你!这个地方我有点儿不确定,因为我看政府网站,
Line 11500 - Pensions from a foreign country
Note: Line 11500 was line 115 before tax year 2019.If you received a pension from another country, report in Canadian dollars your gross foreign pension income received in the year. Use the Bank of Canada exchange rate in effect on the day you received the pension. If you received the pension at different times during the year, use the average annual rate. The average monthly rate and the daily rate are available by visiting the Bank of Canada website.要求以加元报告养老金年的总收入。麻烦你能告诉我是如何确定填人民币金额的吗?谢谢。点击展开...上个月底我报税了,就是用turbotax软件,你填人民币数额,汇率那边填0.1944,会自动转换为加币数额的。评论
2017ML 说:知道了,谢谢你的及时回复。点击展开...不客气。
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