加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息旅游及户外 - 加航退钱


今天收到加航的邮件:“We’re contacting you today because you had a cancelled flight with Air Canada in which you converted the remaining value into an Air Canada Travel Voucher. As you may have heard, Air Canada is now issuing refunds for all tickets with travel dates on or after February 1, 2020 and purchased before April 13, 2021 for flights cancelled either by Air Canada or by you for any reason. If you prefer a refund to your original form of payment for your cancelled flight, we kindly ask that you submit a request or click the button below. If you’ve already requested a refund or if you would like to keep your Air Canada Travel Voucher you don’t need to do anything else. If your flight was cancelled before April 13, 2021, please make sure to request your refund before June 12, 2021, in order for your refund to be processed to the original form of payment. Thank you for choosing Air Canada and we look forward to welcoming you on board whenever you’re ready to fly again."加航在去年7月份只能把取消的机票换成Air Canada Travel Voucher,我在7月时换了。现在即然很退钱,当然要求退钱了。我买的机票是在加航网站上买的。

Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 超赞 赏 反馈:白白的月亮, 周雅, bbjj 和 5 其他人 6.03 lilygao 32$(VIP 0,#63) 3263 小时前#2 我和你情况一样,点了提交退钱了,然后voucher就作废了,钱估计要再过4-5个月才到账

lilygao 说:我和你情况一样,点了提交退钱了,然后voucher就作废了,钱估计要再过4-5个月才到账点击展开...我去年7月份提交的voucher,9月才收到。按照加航的第二封邮件的说法是:“Refund requests are being prioritized by flight date.” 这次大概也是如此。

Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活我去年7月份提交的voucher,9月才收到。按照加航的第二封邮件的说法是:“Refund requests are being prioritized by flight date.” 这次大概也是如此。点击展开...我当时买的是refundable fare, 所以自己主动不要credit,付了三百加币服务费一张,退了剩下的钱。不知道我这种情况有没有补偿,不过我没收到过邮件。

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