加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Bill and Melinda Gates divorce after 27 years of marriage
Bill and Melinda Gates divorce after 27 years of marriageBill and Melinda Gates to divorce after 27 years - BBC NewsIn a statement the pair said "we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple".www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.orgBill and Melinda Gates say they are getting divorced after 27 years of marriage, saying "we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple"."After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage," the pair wrote on Twitter.The two met in the late 1980s when Melinda joined Bill's Microsoft firm. They have three children.They jointly run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
麻工纪事 西厂故园 听来的故事 年华残忆,外公父亲远行的日子一个无神论者的独白 乡间裁缝布鲁塞尔城里的人们三界玲珑塔 超赞 赏 周雅 1,843$(VIP 0,#10) 21,4012 小时前#3 Nothing is forever, time to say goodbye......
觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。Bill and Melinda Gates divorce after 27 years of marriageBill and Melinda Gates to divorce after 27 years - BBC NewsIn a statement the pair said "we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple".www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.orgBill and Melinda Gates say they are getting divorced after 27 years of marriage, saying "we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple"."After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage," the pair wrote on Twitter.The two met in the late 1980s when Melinda joined Bill's Microsoft firm. They have three children.They jointly run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.点击展开...一切都在变化, 昨天听我同事讲了一个故事,説有一位中国丈夫,宠妻到了极限,一个人上班挣钱,妻在家什么活都不干, 丈夫回家还要做饭,做完饭,还要搞一个水果盘给妻, 妻竟然对着丈夫吼,你看你,连个水果都切不好,摆不正。 我听了这个话,直接就回我那个同事, 遇到这种妻,还不离。他没再接茬。 不管男女都不能太宠,太宠,就会越来越过分!婚姻是平等的,如果一方感觉不平等就离吧!离了,大家都自由。 支持比尔离婚!
dave 说:一切都在变化, 昨天听我同事讲了一个故事,説有一位中国丈夫,宠妻到了极限,一个人上班挣钱,妻在家什么活都不干, 丈夫回家还要做饭,做完饭,还要搞一个水果盘给妻, 妻竟然对着丈夫吼,你看你,连个水果都切不好,摆不正。 我听了这个话,直接就回我那个同事, 遇到这种妻,还不离。他没再接茬。 不管男女都不能太宠,太宠,就会越来越过分!婚姻是平等的,如果一方感觉不平等就离吧!离了,大家都自由。 支持比尔离婚!点击展开...那个中国丈夫不离恐怕也有苦衷吧?这里离婚,基本上就是财产对半分。如果老婆从来没工作,那男的就更惨了,还要付老婆的赡养费,搞不好那男的就是一朝回到解放前。。。
Great Divorce
kittylee 说:一直以为盖茨脑子里装的都是拯救全人类的伟大事业,没想到也是个俗人。点击展开...都是俗人,狂晒的大多表里不一,经常吵吵架的才是真实,拖好久好久的。
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