加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我的王国,天下最美之地
我的土地my farmland天下最美的地方The most beautiful place on earthThe night stars were brightNorthern lights were right there, since skyline is in every directions夜间满天繁星,北极光就在那边,因为所有方向都是天际线Due to no city lights pollution, stars were crystal bright, it says there are seven stars in Big Dipper, however, when I counted that night, there were eight stars in it. I guess I can see more stars, only at my land.没有城市光污染,这里的星星晶莹剔透。传说的北斗七星,当我在仰望星空计数时,数出了8颗星星。我想我能看到更多的星星,只在我的土地。The first time using a walk behind tiller, which was definitely man's work, by which you have to do the best to proof you can do it, which proof that you are a man.第一次操作手扶耕机,这绝对是男人的活,你必须做到最好才能证明你是男人天地云朵繁星和野生动物这么多优雅的事物全球能有幸亲近的人很稀有我只有感恩只想回报给自然、动物、弱势人群因为我是被天选之人我被老天溺爱了所以我要回报
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