加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息税务局给出了 Active Trader 的定义
每个月50次,一买一卖算两次,也就是说一个月买卖25次,平均每天1次买卖多一点。和数额无关,和频次有关!那些用免费交易软件,持有几十只股票,每只股票几百几千刀的那种是最吃亏的。一旦被认定Active Trader,50%的免税额就没有了,就自动走公司税了。
还有,如果1 到11 月 每月交易50次,12 月 交易了49 次,应该不算吧?
2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利走公司税不就可以报公司费用了吗?点击展开...你想得美!查你公司一查n年,烦死你。
2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利 超赞 赏 反馈:maviemonreve 0.02 FANNY_DF 5$(VIP 0,#198) 1,72318 小时前#7 其实,都是炮灰,钱跑哪去了税局都知道,就是别让税局问你炒股的钱哪里来的?
2008.3.11 csq (魁省) 2009.5.25 登陆温哥华2012.5.11 登陆蒙特利尔一切顺利 超赞 赏 Tianhai 20$(VIP 0,#74) 3,01818 小时前#8 我一月份超过了50次交易,二月中旬以后几乎停止交易了。不知道怎么算。。。
微信也许是人类进步的阶梯。 超赞 赏 M maviemonreve 28$(VIP 0,#62) 3,25418 小时前#9 赚的少 没人找
wodelaoba 说:每个月50次,一买一卖算两次,也就是说一个月买卖25次,平均每天1次买卖多一点。和数额无关,和频次有关!那些用免费交易软件,持有几十只股票,每只股票几百几千刀的那种是最吃亏的。一旦被认定Active Trader,50%的免税额就没有了,就自动走公司税了。点击展开...请问“税务局给出了 Active Trader 的定义”是几个意思?打电话给的?还是寄信?Email?托梦?呵呵 (开玩笑,别生气)以下也是一家之言而已。How to Calculate Capital Gains When Day Trading in Canada | 2021 TurboTax® Canada TipsWhen you buy a security and sell it at a profit, you realize a capital gain. For the average Canadian, the taxable capital gain is determined by multiplying the capital gain amount with the year's inclusion rate; currently, the rate is 50%. Day traders make a living buying and selling stocks...turbotax.intuit.ca另一家之言:The CRA is targeting some TFSA accounts in court. Should you be worried?Earlier this year, the CRA started targeting specific TFSAs in court. Here's what you need to know if you're concerned the taxman may target your account.www.moneysense.ca总之,个人理解,五项准则:交易频率持有时长市场知识(这个怎么判定?看有没有license?)时间花费(这个跟第一、第二点是互证的)资金来源(是否使用保证金账户)不过相当模糊,估计未来还会保持模糊。
观雨 说:请问“税务局给出了 Active Trader 的定义”是几个意思?打电话给的?还是寄信?Email?托梦?呵呵 (开玩笑,别生气)以下也是一家之言而已。浏览附件656647How to Calculate Capital Gains When Day Trading in Canada | 2021 TurboTax® Canada TipsWhen you buy a security and sell it at a profit, you realize a capital gain. For the average Canadian, the taxable capital gain is determined by multiplying the capital gain amount with the year's inclusion rate; currently, the rate is 50%. Day traders make a living buying and selling stocks...turbotax.intuit.ca另一家之言:浏览附件656648The CRA is targeting some TFSA accounts in court. Should you be worried?Earlier this year, the CRA started targeting specific TFSAs in court. Here's what you need to know if you're concerned the taxman may target your account.www.moneysense.ca总之,个人理解,五项准则:交易频率持有时长市场知识(这个怎么判定?看有没有license?)时间花费(这个跟第一、第二点是互证的)资金来源(是否使用保证金账户)不过相当模糊,估计未来还会保持模糊。点击展开...我记得论坛以前有说过,其实就是看你赚钱多了觉得收不上钱CRA觉得难受,所以想办法找理由给人定义成active trader。感觉这方面中国和加拿大有异曲同工之妙,即,怎么规定的,不重要,重要在于1 模糊的法律法规规定2 先定好政府需要多少钱,然后再下达指标给收钱的部门,收钱的部门就想方设法找收钱的理由。
观雨 说:请问“税务局给出了 Active Trader 的定义”是几个意思?打电话给的?还是寄信?Email?托梦?呵呵 (开玩笑,别生气)以下也是一家之言而已。浏览附件656647How to Calculate Capital Gains When Day Trading in Canada | 2021 TurboTax® Canada TipsWhen you buy a security and sell it at a profit, you realize a capital gain. For the average Canadian, the taxable capital gain is determined by multiplying the capital gain amount with the year's inclusion rate; currently, the rate is 50%. Day traders make a living buying and selling stocks...turbotax.intuit.ca另一家之言:浏览附件656648The CRA is targeting some TFSA accounts in court. Should you be worried?Earlier this year, the CRA started targeting specific TFSAs in court. Here's what you need to know if you're concerned the taxman may target your account.www.moneysense.ca总之,个人理解,五项准则:交易频率持有时长市场知识(这个怎么判定?看有没有license?)时间花费(这个跟第一、第二点是互证的)资金来源(是否使用保证金账户)不过相当模糊,估计未来还会保持模糊。点击展开...简单说,如果你一周只交易一次,然后被CRA认定为active trader,找我,我替你负责,上法院打官司。海洋法国家,不在乎如何准确定义“active trader”,而是如何用排除法定义“non active trader”,守住科长说的日均一次交易底线,就能在法庭上保平安,两天交易一次,目前看肯定保证安全。
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