加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息登陆定居 - Fizz手机网络服务提供商
前几天在no video上看到这家公司的广告,点开来看了下,资费挺便宜的。网络是Videtron的网络,比较reliable,但目前只有魁北克地区可以订这个服务,虽然信号可以覆盖美国加拿大。https://fizz.ca/en/mobile-plan?CVRG=107&DATA=94&PLAN=1&SMS=91&VOICE=232省内Unlimited talking + unlimited msg + 8G 37$+tx; 4G 33$+tx; 2G 26$+tx; 1G 24+txCanada wide unlimited talking再加2$他家现在也有home Internet了。用的videotron的cable,价格是40$ monthly for 30 mb我的推荐码:7H1RD, 欢迎使用!第二个月可各得25刀
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超赞 赏 反馈:eleclan, jamy, 五湖四海 和 8 其他人 C ca2008 0$(VIP 0) 1,7102018-11-23#2 听说流量不清零 可以滚到下一个月。还可以share 流量
mmlinda 说:手机通用吗?点击展开...这个只提供服务,没有手机捆绑销售服务,看着就比安省的实惠多了。手机要求在下面言简意赅:5年内的北美安卓手机解锁的插了卡就能用,iPhone5s到最新机型,对信号有特殊要求再往下看highlight。How do I switch my phone to Fizz?With Fizz, you bring your own phone. This saves you money — you don’t have to buy a new phone when you switch to a more affordable and flexible plan.When you subscribe, simply switch your phone from your current mobile provider to your new Fizz account.To switch to Fizz, your phone must be:Unlocked (free of a contract with another mobile provider)Compatible with the Fizz network frequenciesIs my phone compatible with the Fizz mobile network?Your phone needs to meet a few critera if you want to use it on the Fizz mobile network.Android:The majority of Android phones sold in North America in the last five (5) years are compatible. Just make sure that it has the necessary hardware components to support the Fizz network frequencies.iPhone:There are three elements to check:The model:Only iPhone 5s models, or more recent, are compatible with the Fizz mobile network.The operating system:Connect to a Wi-Fi networkDownload the latest iOS software updateThe carrier settings:Once the software update is done, the iPhone will offer a carrier settings update to Fizz 34.1. Make sure to accept it. Further info available on the Apple website.Which frequencies must my phone support?For an LTE-compatible phone configured with LTE network preference:Calls: The device must absolutely support the frequency HSPA 850 MHz or 1900 MHzMobile data: The device must support the dual-frequency 1700/2100 MHz (also called AWS or band 4) or 700 MHz For a phone that only allows 3G or HSPA preferred:Calls and / or mobile data: The phone must support the 1700/2100 MHz frequency (also called AWS)
「但行好事,莫问前程」 超赞 赏 反馈:CCOYYOTEE, soleil_lee-太阳李 和 mmlinda M MetroAtWater 8$(VIP 0,#146) 6212018-11-23#8 比中移动便宜
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)覆盖区域有那里啊点击展开...上它家网站,点Coverage
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 超赞 赏 反馈:米_米 米 米_米 0$(VIP 0) 2352018-11-24#12 看了一下,很是心动啊,谢谢!
有人用吗? 不知信号怎样
tiantangyougui 说:覆盖区域有那里啊点击展开...官网上输入你的邮政编码,马上显示网络覆盖状态。
至尊寶 说:这个只提供服务,没有手机捆绑销售服务,看着就比安省的实惠多了。手机要求在下面言简意赅:5年内的北美安卓手机解锁的插了卡就能用,iPhone5s到最新机型,对信号有特殊要求再往下看highlight。How do I switch my phone to Fizz?With Fizz, you bring your own phone. This saves you money — you don’t have to buy a new phone when you switch to a more affordable and flexible plan.When you subscribe, simply switch your phone from your current mobile provider to your new Fizz account.To switch to Fizz, your phone must be:Unlocked (free of a contract with another mobile provider)Compatible with the Fizz network frequenciesIs my phone compatible with the Fizz mobile network?Your phone needs to meet a few critera if you want to use it on the Fizz mobile network.Android:The majority of Android phones sold in North America in the last five (5) years are compatible. Just make sure that it has the necessary hardware components to support the Fizz network frequencies.iPhone:There are three elements to check:The model:Only iPhone 5s models, or more recent, are compatible with the Fizz mobile network.The operating system:Connect to a Wi-Fi networkDownload the latest iOS software updateThe carrier settings:Once the software update is done, the iPhone will offer a carrier settings update to Fizz 34.1. Make sure to accept it. Further info available on the Apple website.Which frequencies must my phone support?For an LTE-compatible phone configured with LTE network preference:Calls: The device must absolutely support the frequency HSPA 850 MHz or 1900 MHzMobile data: The device must support the dual-frequency 1700/2100 MHz (also called AWS or band 4) or 700 MHz For a phone that only allows 3G or HSPA preferred:Calls and / or mobile data: The phone must support the 1700/2100 MHz frequency (also called AWS)点击展开...HUAWEI HONOR 行不行?
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