加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Raciest Incident/Assault at Coquitlam Water Park



Edit. There seems to be some confusion so let me try and clear this up. The post below was a cut and paste from a Facebook post. Originally I had included a link to that post but it contained pictures of the children in question so the tread was closed. The Facebook post has now been deleted, at the time I posted this it had over 1200 shares and I can only assume that OP was being inundated on his personal account and pulled the plug. I don't have an incident number for this case, I am only relaying the information. If you have something you want to contribute to this incident I am sure you can contact the Coquitlam RCMP and they will know who to connect you with, there was 8 cars that responded to the call and the woman was arrested so the police what is going on. /

This time with no link to the Facebook page I guess.

TLDR: 9 year kids relentlessly shoot super soakers at much younger kids trying to enjoy the hot weather. Teenage kid intervenes to ask parents to help deal with their out of control children, white mother lets off some choice Asian hatred on the kid and then punches him in the face. Police show up as they are trying to flee the incident.

Only a week earlier my SIL was at the same park with my kid and ran into these same kids and they also harassed my 3 year old with a super soaker. She was so upset over the whole deal she wouldn't go back this week or they would have also been there to witness this go down.

--- Facebook cut and paste post.

Yesterday, (primarily) two boys with water guns were shooting a few people in the park. I was noticing that they targeted mostly people of colour..but thought that it couldn’t be. Maybe just a coincidence. But they were black kids, brown and Asian kids getting shot in the face - all without water guns.

I was with my kids 2 & 7. We had our own water guns and were playing with each other. For no reason one of them shot my son (7) who didn’t have his water gun with him. My son told me he broke the rule. Our rule was that you couldn’t shoot anyone without a water gun and you can’t shoot anyone in the head. The same kid began to shoot me as well. When the shots were being aimed primarily in the face and out of anger. I promptly and clearly said we’re not playing with you. They stopped.

I noticed the frustration in the other boys as well (all without water guns) just getting shot in the face for no reason. They were not playing with them. Others tried to defend themselves. An older taller Asian boy (teens) got it in the face relentlessly from both kids. He too didn’t have a water gun. He was just there to stay cool and to have fun. After a few minutes of unrelenting attacks to the face he had enough. Frustrated he got up and said “Where are your parents? I want to talk to your parents.” The kids led him to their parents who were over the crest of the hill not even seeing what their children have been up to. The boy tried to explain what was happening to the group of Caucasian parents about 6-8 of them. From a distance I observed with my children close to me and heard..”it’s only water!! What don’t you understand!? What’s wrong with you?! It’s only water!” Repeatedly and laced with racist implications. Maybe it was his accent? Maybe he couldn’t explain his case clearly to the parents. I was on my way there with my kids to implore to the parents and support the the boys argument when out of no where (the mother I’m only assuming) of the water gun shooting boy sucker punched the Asian boy on the side of the head. And it started to get heated. The yelling only got louder. The ladies backed away and men remained surrounding the Asian boy. A brown gentleman walked over to pull the Asian boy from the crowd safely. At this point while carrying my 2 year old and holding my 7 year olds hand I walked over to him when the brown gentleman moved back to his own family. I told the boy to stay with me. And that we should call the police. The boy said he didn’t want to cause any problems and was wondering why things turned out this way. I told him it wasn’t his fault. This was a hate crime and we need to call the police. We called the local no emergency line but was put on hold. I hung up and called 911. They responded within 1-2 minutes with 8 squad cars. But as I was speaking on the phone - the parents saw me and were quickly packing up their stuff and hurrying their kids away as they scattered. They left the Town Centre water park down the skate park and just crossed the street to the Trevor Wingrove Way parking lot just as the cruisers came.

A grown white woman sucker punched and Asian kid.

He could have been my son standing up for himself using his words.

One of the photos below is one of the 2 kids involved in the incident. He noted the other was his cousin. The other photo is of the young victim.

The primary water gun shooter that was causing more trouble was shorter chubbier had a dark blue hat and a large blue water gun that says Fortnite on it. The mom who struck the Asian boy was blond and had sunglasses on. In the group was a long haired gentleman dirty blond. A clean shaven gentleman who skated. They had an orange picnic blanket. They seemed to be all in the mid to late 20’s to early 30’s.

I’ve made my statement with the RCMP. If you saw anything please do report it to the RCMP. If you know any one that was there or if you were there and saw something or captured photos or videos please forward them to the police. These individuals should turn themselves in and speak with the police as well and have their side and statements taken.

The location was Town Centre Park Splash pad. Just south of the Percy Perry running track north of the Play Ground and Skate Park.We were there July 3, 2021 between 5:00-7:30PM. The incident happened around 6:30-6:45PM.

There were a lot of parents there. A lot of people with cellphones. I hope someone captured something that can help.






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