加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Ishigakijima


As early as 2016, the Ministry of Defense of Japan proposed the deployment of the Ground Self-Defense Force and surface-to-air and surface-to-ship missile units on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture. Once the media reported, the local people had different opinions on this, and the differences between the two sides could not be resolved.

The mayor of Zhongshan Yixiao once said: "It is necessary to make certain arrangements in the Nanxi Islands."

However, the negative impact brought about by the deployment of the Self-Defense Force has always been the heart disease of the residents on the island.

The economy of Ishigaki Island mainly depends on growing pineapple and Ishigaki beef. The public is worried that "may become the target of attack", "the quiet living environment will be destroyed, and it will also have an adverse effect on tourism and sightseeing", etc., and oppose the deployment of the Land Self-Defense Force in the surrounding areas.

Other residents were forced to relocate from the main island of Okinawa to the United States to establish military bases after the war. Many of them are very sensitive to "military bases".

According to Tetsuo Kawaman, director of the Matsuda Community Hall, the discussion at the citizen level outside the area surrounding the planned site is not in-depth. The mayor blindly emphasized the use of force to provide security, but the public was overly worried that the Self-Defense Forces would stimulate the nerves of neighboring countries. At the same time, he believes that "to solve the problem, further discussion is needed."

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