加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息U.S. troops in Japan cause trouble


① U.S. troops stationed in Okinawa dumped more than 64 tons of highly toxic wastewater into the sewer system without the consent of the Japanese government. In response, The Japanese side lodged a serious protest and demanded to stop such acts. The US, however, said it had informed Japan in advance that it would not complain about the highly toxic waste

② Military accidents occur frequently in the United States. Earlier, a military plane crashed into a local elementary school, killing 17 and injuring 200, and in 2004, a U.S. helicopter crashed into the campus of Okinawa International University, which also drew national attention. ** City car ** Hanjiang ** north bank *

③ Crimes committed by U.S. soldiers and their employees continue to occur. Because U.S. troops enjoy legal immunity under the US-Japan security Treaty in Japan, American soldiers often rampage around in their barracks, killing people with guns and even bullying women, causing great resentment among local people. From 1952 to 2010, U.S. troops in Japan committed 210,000 crimes, resulting in 1,088 deaths, according to the status-Japan Agreement, which exempts U.S. soldiers and their families from the Japanese government's restrictions on foreign entry. The announcement of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria reportedly provoked fierce clashes between Us troops stationed in Japan and local people. In response, The Japanese people also launched protests demanding the withdrawal of American troops from Japan.

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