加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息SUBLET(APT RENT)
Due to I bought my own property so there is an apartment for trans rent.Location 2-55 Ducks Landing. C1B 2X8Cost CAD 845.0 include heating and hot water.(This price is owner rent price)Expired date:31/03/2015Primaray shcool(G4-6). Stratford and Glen Steuart Primaray school(G1-3)2/1/1. I'm not sure the size. Estimated 85-90 M2If you are interest at the apt. Please contact me with the mail or you can add my [email protected]:54846308Nick Name: DuSheSorry for the inconvinience, this is school computer I can't use Chinese version.Thanks for your attention
Missed Sth. The school bus bill pick up kids just in front of the door. It's convienience.
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