加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请有经验的筒子帮忙看看我能符合曼省提名么?
我在一家类似华为的单位工作9年。资产不满足魁省、联邦的80万加币的要求。想试下曼省提名。 但是没有拥有过一个企业。很可能不满足要求。 于是上官方网站查了下 FAQ,发现:Q9. I have never owned a business. Does this affect my chances of qualifying? A. While the experience of owning a successful business improves your chances of being selected, it is not essential. You must, however, be able to prove significant experience in actively managing a business at a senior level for a minimum of three (3) years. This may include financial, marketing or operations/production management experience, or expertise in the field specific to the intended business. 我这9年,从刚开始的软件开发,到后面带领团队开发产品,搞维护等。现在手下也没几个人。 怎么看也和senior level managing experience搭不上边。很是苦恼,各位前辈帮忙给看下我是否有机会省提名?
BJ0213,VO:ROD, 2009.10.14寄表 ---- 12.24 RN ----2010.1.13 补料投妥---- 2010.1.25 FN---- 3.4 IP----3.9 BJ-6----3.12 BJ-12----5.21 BJ-6 ---- 8.16 BJ-12 ---- 10.12日 BJ-5 ---- 10.15 ME --2011.5.31大信封 超赞 赏 F flyshade 0$(VIP 0) 1,0452009-06-25#2 回复: 请有经验的筒子帮忙看看我能符合曼省提名么?可能性不高啊…………
08.08.06上海-》多伦多08.10.08多伦多-》温哥华可能性不高啊…………点击展开...有什么其他方案么? 给介绍下?
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