加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问红河学院(土木工程)毕业出来在温尼伯当地找工作好找哇


决定明年9月份时开始读college 听说曼省移民政策相对好些 所以有些来曼省读的倾向但无论如何 没有雇主给你开全职长期的雇佣证明一切都无用所以先在这儿问问已来这儿的前辈们 请说说这儿的就业形势另外BC省怎么样 BCIT的mining专业毕业后在BC省找工作好找吗 谢谢

决定明年9月份时开始读college 听说曼省移民政策相对好些 所以有些去曼省读的倾向但无论如何 没有雇主给你开全职长期的雇佣证明一切都无用所以先在这儿问问已来这儿的前辈们 请说说各地的就业形势譬如BC省怎么样 BCIT的mining专业毕业后在BC省找工作好找吗--对于我们华人学生另外有好就业的专业及地区请推荐一下谢谢


我们的新总理会让加拿大很快变成和法国一样!听说很好找,不过土木工程很累。点击展开...他们一般找什么 工作啊 ?土木工程的 为什么很累?

daisy888 说:听说很好找,不过土木工程很累。点击展开... 哇 要真的就太好了 累点无所谓谢谢daisy的回复


我不懂 土木工程是什么 但我知道BC一个企业 canfor 你可以自己上网找找 看看跟你要学得是不是相关

speaker 说:土木只有去阿省读,没有政府投资基建的地方要土木工程的人干什么?BCIT的矿业很好,不过毕业得到北部小镇干几年才行。点击展开...谢谢 首先要是能申请到其次毕业能工作阿拉斯加都无所谓啊

miaomiaolin81 说:我不懂 土木工程是什么 但我知道BC一个企业 canfor 你可以自己上网找找 看看跟你要学得是不是相关点击展开... canfor搞木业的

大家都踊跃说说曼省的就业形势啊 曼省的mpnp要求在曼省就读的毕业生找到正式工作...... 可红河学院很多好就业的技工专业只对当地人开放!!还有别的college学校吗? International Student Working GraduateThis connection category applies only to graduates of Manitoba post-secondary schools.You are eligible if your Manitoba employer offers you a permanent job following at least six months employment on a valid post-graduation work permit.Required documents: In MPNP Online you must upload copies of: your valid post-graduation work permit; confirmation from your employer of minimum six months continuous full-time work; your job-offer letter, specifying salary/wage and details of the position, on company letterhead and signed by your employer, as well as education and all other documents described on the page: Documents.Conditions:You attended an authorized education or training program at a public, or registered private vocational, post-secondary institution in Manitoba.Your program was full-time and at least one academic year in duration.You successfully completed your program and were awarded a diploma, degree or certificate.You have been continuously working at least six months for the same employer who has offered you a permanent (long-term) full-time job.You have a valid post-graduation work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.Your connection to Manitoba through employment is stronger than ties you may have to another Canadian province.You demonstrate in a Settlement Plan your intention and plan to live, work and establish your work and family life in Manitoba as a permanent resident.You have all qualifications and the English or French language proficiency to fulfill the duties of your job. ♥International Students please note:Get your post-graduation work permit: Apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada within 90 days of completing your school program requirements. If you need help, see the international student advisor at your school.Financial rewards for settling in Manitoba: Grads who stay in our province to work are eligible for a 60 per cent tuition rebate.Students outside Manitoba are NOT eligible to apply to the MPNP under the Manitoba Employment connection category. However, you may still apply to the MPNP provided that you demonstrate a connection to Manitoba that is stronger than your ties to another part of Canada. (Important: If you want to apply because you’ve been offered a job in Manitoba, note that you must first have been working for that employer for at least one year.)♥ NOC C or D) you must submit in MPNP Online results of an MPNP-approved language test showing minimum CLB 4 (NCLC 4, French) in all test categories according to the MPNP’s CLB Language Grid. NOC C and D jobs include lower-skilled workers in the trades, primary and manufacturing industries, sales and services, and certain clerical and assistant categories.

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