加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?


即将踏上加国了,想请各位发表自己的见解! 我们该不该踏上那块土地? 我们原本是中国人, 应该说习惯了中国式生活模式, 我们为什么要改变自己的生活习惯?

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618 超赞 赏 十二少 0$(VIP 0) 2,3482009-10-31#2 回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?It's up to you to change or not. However, some people would like to try different life style by immigrating to Canada. The reason is as simply as that.

always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 D ditto18 0$(VIP 0) 1,2662009-10-31#3 回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?You are so nice to think about "US", but now you only need to thinkabout yourself!"To be or not to be" is up to you, not "US", I think!

大家捧场加纷纷啊!You are so nice to think about "US", but now you only need to thinkabout yourself!"To be or not to be" is up to you, not "US", I think!点击展开... Firstly, thanks for your comments, and there was a mistake caused by you, Frankly, you didn't understand Chinese Culture at all! the "US" is only a kind of description which is indicated emotional In China. Actually it is myself, right? Don't worry, maight not include you at all. Maybe you can read Chinese, and that is a good thing for a foreigner, but you didn't grasp it at all. and that is a regretful thing also, so did it? Anyway, thanks for your comments and try again! By the way, My ENGLISH is poor, and maybe there are a little Chinglish, and sorry for it if caused a little misunderstanding.

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618 超赞 赏 一 一剑封寒Guest 0$(VIP ) 2009-10-31#5 回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?他们也许只是电脑不能输入中文罢了,LZ没必要因为这个原因而动气。

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?即将踏上加国了,想请各位发表自己的见解! 我们该不该踏上那块土地? 我们原本是中国人, 应该说习惯了中国式生活模式, 我们为什么要改变自己的生活习惯?点击展开...生活习惯不必要改变.但思维观念是要更新的.我在北美十年,生活习惯仍然是中国式的,但工作方式思维方式很西化.思想很西化.

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?布什他哥说的在理,楼主太爱思考了,多体验也没啥不好,何必因循守旧

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?换个环境,折腾折腾,生命在于折腾~

谋既果决,行且坚毅。换个环境,折腾折腾,生命在于折腾~点击展开... 对, 还蛮谦虚的, 就是折腾!我说的意思是难免会引起一系列连锁反应的意思。毕竟接触的人啊, 工作对象,还有社会标准啊, 道德规范等等, 都要换, 哈哈, 总之, 除了眼睛什么的不能换外, 剩下的身体外的应该说都换了; 怕一下子来不及适应而已。

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618对, 还蛮谦虚的, 就是折腾!我说的意思是难免会引起一系列连锁反应的意思。毕竟接触的人啊, 工作对象,还有社会标准啊, 道德规范等等, 都要换, 哈哈, 总之, 除了眼睛什么的不能换外, 剩下的身体外的应该说都换了; 怕一下子来不及适应而已。点击展开...人一辈子短短几十年,多经历一些东西,总是好的~ 好还是不好,只有试过才会知道,对吧?

谋既果决,行且坚毅。Firstly, thanks for your comments, and there was a mistake caused by you, Frankly, you didn't understand Chinese Culture at all! the "US" is only a kind of description which is indicated emotional In China. Actually it is myself, right? Don't worry, maight not include you at all. Maybe you can read Chinese, and that is a good thing for a foreigner, but you didn't grasp it at all. and that is a regretful thing also, so did it? Anyway, thanks for your comments and try again! By the way, My ENGLISH is poor, and maybe there are a little Chinglish, and sorry for it if caused a little misunderstanding.点击展开...朋友, 不要骗小孩,中文里有“我”, 也有“我们”, 这两个有区别的,你要想说我, 就别用我们。你用“我们”的确有替别人操心的嫌疑。

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?朋友, 不要骗小孩,中文里有“我”, 也有“我们”, 这两个有区别的,你要想说我, 就别用我们。你用“我们”的确有替别人操心的嫌疑。点击展开... 朋友, 没有骗小孩子, 的确通常表达观点是, 容易用“我们”或者“咱们”的说法, 实际都是指自己, 为了不把对方推得很远。。我说的是事实。

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618朋友, 不要骗小孩,中文里有“我”, 也有“我们”, 这两个有区别的,你要想说我, 就别用我们。你用“我们”的确有替别人操心的嫌疑。点击展开...没你看的仔细.这回是他替我们瞎操心.这种贴子就不用再理它了.

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?没你看的仔细.这回是他替我们瞎操心.这种贴子就不用再理它了.点击展开... 我好想渐渐明白了, 这属于东西方差异! 我开始一直纳闷, 为什么中国人听不懂这种说法, 后来我才明白了, 那些华人已经彻底被西化了, 你就是你, 我就是我! 没有东方的所谓的我们就指我之说话, 或者咱们也就是指我或者你的说法。 这里发帖子, 忘记你们早已经被西化的事实了, 实在是抱歉, 误解是我一首所谓, 真诚的道一把歉!

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618Firstly, thanks for your comments, and there was a mistake caused by you, Frankly, you didn't understand Chinese Culture at all! the "US" is only a kind of description which is indicated emotional In China. Actually it is myself, right? Don't worry, maight not include you at all.Maybe you can read Chinese, and that is a good thing for a foreigner, but you didn't grasp it at all. and that is a regretful thing also, so did it? Anyway, thanks for your comments and try again!By the way, My ENGLISH is poor, and maybe there are a little Chinglish, and sorry for it if caused a little misunderstanding.点击展开... Well, in some case, Maybe LZ is right. But for these comments: 1.Frankly, you didn't understand Chinese Culture at all!2.Maybe you can read Chinese, and that is a good thing for a foreigner, but you didn't grasp it at all. and that is a regretful thing also, so did it?--I did read what you said. And I htink I reply also for kindness in some case. I can't see why I bothered you so much for my simple comment on your question. You are asking, and someone anwser. The answer is not good, but it is an answer, and also it is ture in some case (you don't think so) and in some cases also can help some ppl who ask these kind of questions. I use English here and then you use too many "sarcastic words" that I don't think I deserve. You want to move to an English country and you are upset that the people here use English which you can understand to you. Maybe I ask that you plan to come here and don't unse English?

大家捧场加纷纷啊!Well, in some case, Maybe LZ is right. But for these comments: 1.Frankly, you didn't understand Chinese Culture at all!2.Maybe you can read Chinese, and that is a good thing for a foreigner, but you didn't grasp it at all. and that is a regretful thing also, so did it?--I did read what you said. And I htink I reply also for kindness in some case.I can't see why I bothered you so much for my simple comment on your question. You are asking, and someone anwser. The answer is not good, but it is an answer, and also it is ture in some case (you don't think so) and in some cases also can help some ppl who ask these kind of questions. I use English here and then you use too many "sarcastic words" that I don't think I deserve. You want to move to an English country and you are upset that the people here use English which you can understand to you. Maybe I ask that you plan to come here and don't unse English?点击展开... Anyway, thanks for yours

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618 超赞 赏 C crackydoor 0$(VIP 0) 9152009-11-02#17 回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?1、有的办公室没有中文系统,所以LZ会看到英文回帖。(我也干过) 2、既然选择移民,其实就是扩大了自己的生活圈子。其中包括交友范围,地理意义上的生活范围。归根到底就是扩大了意识形态上的 “我们”的范围。所以,变化是必然的。因为你到了一个不同“我们”的国度。 3. 中国文化本身也在变化。看看现在的中国和50年前的中国,在看看你家春节餐桌上的菜式和20年前,一定很多变化。那楼主怎么应对本身都在变化的中国文化呢?

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?1、有的办公室没有中文系统,所以LZ会看到英文回帖。(我也干过)2、既然选择移民,其实就是扩大了自己的生活圈子。其中包括交友范围,地理意义上的生活范围。归根到底就是扩大了意识形态上的 “我们”的范围。所以,变化是必然的。因为你到了一个不同“我们”的国度。3. 中国文化本身也在变化。看看现在的中国和50年前的中国,在看看你家春节餐桌上的菜式和20年前,一定很多变化。那楼主怎么应对本身都在变化的中国文化呢?点击展开... 洗耳恭听, 您有道理。

我最钟爱的便是 西红柿鸡蛋面& 葱爆猪肝面 臊子面, 干拌面, 炒面。Email: [email protected]: [email protected]: 958781618 超赞 赏 C crackydoor 0$(VIP 0) 9152009-11-02#19 回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?现在美国开始研究“主流”文化。美国一直是非常强势的宣扬英语文化和价值观的国家。但是因为大量外族的涌入,现在的主流跟美国建国时的主流已经大不相同。所以社会学界的学者开始质询所谓“主流"的概念。 说到底,全球经济发展,人员大量的流动,必然造成各个地方文化,语言,价值观的变化。 所以如果你不移民,"我们"的概念的变化会小点。移民以后,你作为涌入的一方,当然应该接受当地的 "我们" 的概念。但是,这个不等于说就要放弃中国的传统和思维(也不可能放弃)。所以在你变化的同时,你也在改变加拿大的 “我们”的概念。一个相互的过程。

回复: 请网友评论: 我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?现在美国开始研究“主流”文化。美国一直是非常强势的宣扬英语文化和价值观的国家。但是因为大量外族的涌入,现在的主流跟美国建国时的主流已经大不相同。所以社会学界的学者开始质询所谓“主流"的概念。说到底,全球经济发展,人员大量的流动,必然造成各个地方文化,语言,价值观的变化。所以如果你不移民,"我们"的概念的变化会小点。移民以后,你作为涌入的一方,当然应该接受当地的 "我们" 的概念。但是,这个不等于说就要放弃中国的传统和思维(也不可能放弃)。所以在你变化的同时,你也在改变加拿大的 “我们”的概念。一个相互的过程。点击展开... 嗯, 有道理, 不过那位老兄好像没有抓住帖子的主题。

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