加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Photos of Ottawa
bus ticket 纸的1联6张,2sheets 13块多点,每次用2张成人,小孩每次用1张如果cash的话,3刀/次,ticket的话2块多/次一般mall的便利店有卖http://www.octranspo1.com/tickets/“Regular (ages 12 and up) $3 or 2 bus tickets ” 原来如此day pass7刀Transfers are valid for a minimum of 90 minutes after you board, and can be used for any direction of travel, including return trips and stopovers, providing the time has not expired.可以往返,只看时间 改地址的那个网址不work,电话也是让hold或者转网站不得不亲自去可以google search地址 我查了2个离我家近的,1个是1800 bank st进门拿票等号,还不少人driver's licence是3个月如果没收到新的,就再去一次 还有health card,couter小姐告诉我在75 albrert st. 在dt人挺多,填表等待,给他出示护照,银行卡,签证等,老卡给打个小洞,又给了张纸,说如果用到health card时,2者合1 一起用---------------银行可以打电话 ,也可以网上变更地址手机可以从多伦多transfer到ottawa,换个新号,还是老的plan dt国会山庄南边的albert和stater上车站密集,2条单行线,albert是由东向西,stater是由西向东albert st类似多伦多的king st,很多商业楼,ottawa chinatown is in the southwest of downtown.Chinatown / Somerset WestA multicultural village with a distinctly Asian flavour, Somerset West is Ottawa's Chinatown ? and the focal point for Asian cuisines and shopping. Stroll from shop to shop and discover a vast array of Far Eastern products and foods. Stop along the way for dim-sum and refreshing bubble-tea ? Chinatown is home to Ottawa's biggest concentration of Asian restaurants, including Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese. 最北边是wellngton st,这附近有国会山庄等景点南边的一条路是sparks,这条路是步行街,夏天应该是不错的地方 spaks st南边是queen st,这条街主要也是商业楼,南边 是昨天提到的2条单行线albert st和slater st,街道都不长 wellingtonst到了与sussex交界,向东改名rideau st,可以看到熙攘一片的ByWard Market,corer是downtown的大mall-rideau center类似多伦多的eaton center. 因为这里有条rideau canl(2007年被命名为联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产的里多运河),有一些桥
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 反馈:tanse, heartinfall 和 阳春三月 N nicy 0$(VIP 0) 1,9622010-01-16#2 回复: Photos of Ottawa加拿大皇家造币厂(Royal Canadian Mint)http://www.mint.ca/造币厂的总部占据着渥太华市中心的一处历史性建筑,于1908年建立。今天,它生产手工艺收藏币和纪念币,还有金币、奖牌和奖章。这里也是生产制造其它流通及纪念货币铸造工具的地方。加拿大皇家造币厂生产加拿大所有的流通硬币,还有其它国家的硬币。 weekday ticket 5/ppl,weekend 3.5/ppl进门是个shop,然后由工作人员组织一个小group带着去生产间,讲解历史和流程等,里面禁止拍照很多99.999%的gold bar,cut成薄板,设计图案的人员电脑绘画,很多程序都是人工完成.加拿大有2家铸币厂,另外一家在温尼伯The Royal Canadian Mint's headquarters occupy the historic building in central Ottawa where the Mint was founded in 1908. Today, the Ottawa facility produces hand-crafted collector and commemorative coins, gold bullion coins, medals and medallions. This is where the master tooling is done to create the dies that strike coin designs for both circulation and commemorative issues. The Mint's gold refining and advanced engineering operations are also located here in Ottawa.The Winnipeg Mint is our high-tech, high-volume manufacturing facility. Every single Canadian circulation coin is produced here ? literally billions each year. Established in 1976, the Winnipeg plant occupies a 14,864 m2 state-of-the-art facility
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 N nicy 0$(VIP 0) 1,9622010-01-16#3 回复: Photos of Ottawaby ward mrk-ottawa拜沃•德市场 渥太华渥太华市中心的几个景点都距离很近,几乎每个之间的距离走路1分钟,国会山庄-铸币厂-by ward市场-市中心大mall rideu centre-几个博物馆 美术馆http://www.byward-market.com/ 在拜沃•德市场,总有精彩等着您。黎明时分,摊贩们在室外布置他们的摊点,上面摆着的是新鲜的蔬菜、水果、鲜花以及艺术和工艺品。您可以和朋友一起去吃午餐或晚饭,也可以去购物,还可以去体验一下那里的夜生活。您会发现,拜沃•德市场总有您的所爱。 HISTORYThe ByWard Market is where Ottawa was born. Established by Lt-Col. John By in 1826, the ByWard Market is one of Canada’s oldest and largest public markets. The legendary builder of the Rideau Canal; Lt-Col. By himself laid out the street plan of the Market, designating George and York Streets to be extra wide to accommodate the horse-drawn carriages that brought foodstuffs to the market every day.TODAYThe ByWard Market is Ottawa’s number one tourist attraction, and is the premier destination for shopping, dining, arts, entertainment and profession services for residents and visitors. This area averages 50,000 visitors per weekend in the summer months. It is home to both a local farmer’s market and artisans with over 260 stands, as well as over 500 businesses. In 2009, the ByWard Market will play host to 6.3 million of the 7 million visitors expected to visit the Nation’s Capital in 2009.
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 反馈:china0007 N nicy 0$(VIP 0) 1,9622010-01-16#4 回复: Photos of OttawaNational Gallery of Canada-国家美术馆-渥太华http://www.gallery.ca/拍了几张,保安过来了 是加拿大的国家美术馆和文化瑰宝,适合所有年龄的游客。其独特的玻璃建筑新颖、别致。宁静的室内花园令国家美术馆锦上添花。它是加拿大艺术文化的珍藏库,文艺复兴时期的著名艺术家和世界上一流艺术家的作品曾在此展出和珍藏。 房间很多,亚洲的从地下出土的古代的青铜石的佛的雕像还有很多法国意大利画家的艺术品很多很抽象,比如毕加索,怎么也看不明白,不知道是不是真迹周4下午5-8点no coverhttps://cmo5ca.blu.livefilestore.co...xQW0RU9YuXyD3a--tiAEEQ8JTiZSDlNw/IMG_0980.jpg
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 N nicy 0$(VIP 0) 1,9622010-01-16#5 回复: Photos of Ottawahttp://www.museumspassport.ca/museum_passport/index.asp?lang=1Purchase the Canada's Capital Museums Passport for $30 per person (tax included) and you will be admitted to 10 participating museums for no extra charge. The Museums Passport is valid for seven days from the date of the first museum visit, and may not be purchased in advance. 主要文化景点:•加拿大国家美术馆(www.gallery.ca) • 加拿大文明博物馆(www.civilization.ca) • 加拿大自然博物馆(www.nature.ca) • 加拿大航空博物馆(www.aviation.technomuses.ca) • 加拿大战争博物馆(www.warmuseum.ca) • 加拿大皇家造币厂(www.mint.ca) • 加拿大科学和技术博物馆(www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca) • 加拿大银行货币博物馆(www.currencymuseum.ca) • 国会大厦(www.parl.gc.ca/vis) http://www.notredameottawa.com/这个教堂在sussex路上,对面就是大蜘蛛艺术馆是个双语教堂,哥特式风格,双尖塔,可能是镀银的,不褪色,每次都闪光
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 C china0007 0$(VIP 0) 2302010-01-17#6 回复: Photos of Ottawa沙发一个!
GO GO GO! 超赞 赏 fifi35 0$(VIP 0) 2,0032010-01-17#7 回复: Photos of Ottawa板凳
新的开始。 超赞 赏 阳 阳春三月 0$(VIP 0) 1,4282010-01-18#8 回复: Photos of Ottawa好看!
[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 超赞 赏 N nicy 0$(VIP 0) 1,9622010-01-19#9 回复: Photos of Ottawa谢谢今天去currency museum ,转了一圈没找到,因为地图上也有,所以没有详细记录http://www.currencymuseum.ca/ 全天免费tue-sun那个位置是 加拿大银行bank of Canada,整个街道包围都是这个银行,规模很大大楼外层是全落地钢玻,中间还弄了个古典建筑周围很多政府机关银行北边,国会山庄西边有个庄严的 building 是 supreme court of canda估计很多事情在这里一锤子定音今天不冷,早晨飘了点雪花,于是决定走一下bank st1路车走bank st,但回家需要转车. 这里类似多伦多的yonge st,商铺一家连着一家,饭店快餐店便利店面包店蔬菜水果店花园用品理发店一应俱全,也有加油站银行什么的,特色店有毛线店乐器店礼品店,还有杂货店,教堂什么的有的咖啡店看着就有要进去的冲动,那灯光那格调那沙发款式,慵懒的,并不高调的...楼面主要是2层的红砖楼(没错,加拿大繁华的地方并不是想象中的西方的发达)这条街属于一条主街,我看就是南北走向最繁华的街道了在dt,我走到fifth st.然后坐车回家Contrary to popular belief, the street is not named after the Bank of Canada headquarters at the corner of Bank Street and Wellington Street. The street name dates back to the 19th century, whereas the bank was founded in 1934. It's believed that the road was named this because it originally went from the "bank" of the Ottawa River at its northern end to that of the Rideau River to the south.Bank Street (French: Rue Bank) is the major north-south road in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It runs south from Wellington Street in downtown Ottawa, south through the neighbourhoods of Centretown, The Glebe, Old Ottawa South, Alta Vista, Hunt Club, and then through the villages of Blossom Park, Leitrim, South Gloucester, Greely, Spring Hill, and Vernon before exiting the city limits at Belmeade Road. 此博物馆每天下午4-5点免费,具体check 他的网站http://www.aviation.technomuses.ca/
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 N nicy 0$(VIP 0) 1,9622010-01-30#10 回复: Photos of Ottawa这座独具匠心的艺术建筑是加拿大游客最多的博物馆,介绍了加拿大逾千年的历史。馆内有全球最大的室内图腾展、美轮美奂的土著居民第一民族大礼堂和立体宽银幕(IMAX)电影院。网址:www.civilization.ca 从国会山庄往渥太华对面看,2个绿色圆顶的建筑就是文明博物馆了进门后,有介绍楼层的小册子,周4下午4-8点adimission free 很喜欢这里仿造市井的场面,人造天 文明博物馆是一处连接过去、现在与未来的博物馆,博物馆的外型就充分体现了这一点。博物馆外型独特的现代化设计,流畅的波浪曲线,可以激发参观者的创造与想像力。 想要深入了解加拿大的古往今来,加拿大文明博物馆便是最好的入门宝地。圣罗伦斯河畔的这座壮观的建筑物里,记载、收藏了横越千年的北美人文历史。 国会山庄正南,metcalfe/laurier有个图书馆,dt一般很密集,这个图书馆的位置不里不外正好,用driver licence办个图书证,可以免费上网,很多人在里面闭目养神 过了渥太华北上 就是魁北克省了,向西沿着ch d'aylmer走,到dalhouse/center有家便利店,门头很小,我靠,仓库全是酒,这里的酒比lcbo/beer store便宜很多人来这里一次买好几箱 http://www.civilization.ca/splash.htmladimision free on THU . 4-8pm英国现在世界的领域 有英国本土,加拿大,澳大利亚,还有中南美洲和非洲少数地带,印度等其他非洲中南美洲说法语和西班牙语的居多德意志主要讲其本国语言,德国意大利日本战争是残酷的,但是必须发生的英国当时打美国,难度系数比较高,美国独立了加拿大也成了英联邦国家,我们买点啥都得交联邦税和省税 http://nature.ca/这个位置在dt,好找,身临中世纪的感觉不错,如果是真的就很恐怖周6上午免费,3岁左右小孩开拓视野的好地方 新移民信息dt 有政府资助语言学校esl注册后开学生证明,可以买学生票60多月票,adult80多;也可以读linc在chinatown附近的chinese community center上课政府补助车票(just ticket,no monthly pass)
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 J jane//lucy妹 0$(VIP 0) 352010-02-21#11 回复: Photos of Ottawading ~
康大学生,女,9月开学,寻康大附近房子~Q:314991362 超赞 赏 小鹌鹑没事偷着乐 0$(VIP 0) 2,9192010-02-21#12 关于参观博物馆,你有耐心的话可以用你的library card从图书馆online book专门可供一家人使用的各种博物馆免费参观卡,缺点是你只可以使用一个星期,而且需要等比较长的时间,取决于有多少人book了这个卡。我已经利用周末(平时没空)使用 Privilege Card ,ScienceTech Card & Nature Card ,分别去了civilizaiton, war, nature, sience& technology museum,感觉不错。 具体卡的种类如下: Museum passes, such as the Privilege Card (Museum of Civilization, Canadian Postal Museum, Canadian Children’s Museum and Canadian War Museum), (Canada Science and Technology Museum) and Nature Card (Canadian Museum of Nature), admit families to those establishments at no charge. The Ottawa Museum Pass includes Billings Estate National Historic Site, Bytown Museum, Cumberland Heritage Village, Diefenbunker: Canada’s Cold War Museum, Goulbourn Museum, Nepean Museum, Osgoode Township Historical Society and Museum, Pinhey’s Point Historic Site, Vanier Museopark and Watson’s Mill.
小隐藏于山,大隐藏于室,无影藏于网路。。。 超赞 赏 E excelwhite 0$(VIP 0) 9592010-02-21#13 回复: Photos of Ottawa“加拿大也成了英联邦国家,我们买点啥都得交联邦税和省税”后面这个联邦是指加拿大政府,联邦税就是国税,不是给英国。
回复: Photos of Ottawa澳把牛那张很帅~
回复: Photos of Ottawa“加拿大也成了英联邦国家,我们买点啥都得交联邦税和省税” 后面这个联邦是指加拿大政府,联邦税就是国税,不是给英国。点击展开...got it在渥太华住的桐子真不少可惜我现在来的是冬天,很冷. 今早下雪,下午下雨,开车人人更小心明天如果结冰就惨了,走路都滑
http://nicykong.spaces.live.com/default.aspx?sa=784462290 超赞 赏 反馈:duoying Montrealstanley 0$(VIP 0) 1,1602010-02-23#16 回复: Photos of Ottawa我也想在OTTAWA居住, 想看到更多的当地图片.希望已经在那里居住的TZ们能多发些图片共享.
On the way to travel all the time... 超赞 赏 B bruce.chen 0$(VIP 0) 7962010-02-24#17 回复: Photos of Ottawa很好的图片,谢谢楼主了。真是不错啊。
回复: Photos of Ottawa很漂亮,不过我更喜欢夏天
回复: Photos of Ottawa好贴!加声望!楼主再接再厉呀!
10.18.10: 短登温哥华03.29.11:长登温哥华 超赞 赏 heartinfall懒羊羊也不好当 0$(VIP 0) 1,3562010-02-27#20 回复: Photos of Ottawa开眼界了,多谢楼主为我们这些准移民提供了一些想象的依据!
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