加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息渥太华捐款门, 一场大戏开台了:正与斜的博斗
方师祖遭威胁报警寻求安全保护众网友读帖子回应表示关心支持正必胜斜首先,衷心感谢众多网友的关心关怀支持保护,兄弟给你们磕头了!兄弟先叙述报警经过,然后再讲述报警的具体程序。报警经过:兄弟昨晚接收电邮后,刚开始没觉得太可怕,但是越想越不对劲,越想越觉得害怕。兄弟受到的潜在威胁有两个部分:1)人身安全; 2)被起诉。同时,兄弟在精神上受到极度惊吓,今天因为过度害怕都不敢出门上班,只能报警寻求警方保护。先拨打911,接线生回答后,兄弟告诉她兄弟受到的安全威胁是来自于昨晚收到的一封邮件,并不是现场的威胁,接线生让兄弟改打另一个电话号码。兄弟打通后,接线生转给了一个报警专线,询问了姓名、地址、电话等情况后,让兄弟别出门在家等待警官上门。大约过了一刻钟左右吧,警官来到我家,先看了昨天兄弟接收的电邮,告诉兄弟那不是立即的威胁,因为没有白纸黑字地写明到我家干什么,不能立案24小时提供安全保护但建议如果有生人叫门,没搞清楚来访者身份前不要开门,如果觉得可疑,马上拨打911。接下来调查威胁性邮件的来龙去脉,兄弟出示了所有网上帖子和邮件往来。警官觉得“捐款事件”有可疑之处,但她仅是接报警员,没权决定是否当场立案并发给我立案号码,她需要回警局根据提供的资料由主管决定,让我等待电话通知。大约一个小时后,我接获电话,通知我fraud部门的主管决定成立专案调查此次捐款事件,派专门警员负责接受举报和资料并展开调查,让我补充提交想要提交的所有资料。所以,接下来讲述报警的具体程序。报警程序:Q1:谁可以报警?A1:严格来讲,任何人觉得可疑都可以报警,但没有捐款的人报警是尽公民的义务,而捐款人作为直接受害者报警更有力度。举报说明(statement)没有具体的规格和文本,建议具体写明什么时候看到听到什么后捐了多少金额,后来又看到什么而觉得被欺骗了,觉得自己成为直接受害人(victim),对整个募捐过程的感想包括因此次募捐活动而心理遭受伤害;渥太华华人社区的互相信任因此次募捐活动而遭受破坏,对以后可能真正遇到困难的同胞需要帮助时没有人愿意出手相助;中国人的声誉因此次募捐事件而遭受损害 …… 等等,都可以写进举报说明。Q2:怎么举报?A2a:因为911用于紧急报警呼救,举报募捐事件不是紧急情况,建议大家不要拨打911占用紧急报警呼救的有限资源而是拨打1-613-230-6211。A2b:可以个人举报,也可以集体举报。A2c:可以在家里通过电话举报,等待警官上门接受举报说明和举报材料;也可以携带举说明和举报报材料到任何警局举报。Q3:已经立案调查的案例号码是什么?A3:Ottawa Police的Fraud部门已经成立专案调查此次捐款事件,已经立案调查的案例号码是:2014-109126。一般情况下,每次举报被接受警局决定立案后警局都会给举报者发一个案例号码。因为此次举报的属于同一事件,警局建议使用已经立案调查的这个案例号码(case number),便于统一收集归类处理举报资料统一进行调查。警局建议举报此次募捐事件时引用(reference)这个案例号码。Q4:除了举报说明,还需要什么资料?A4a:多多益善!募捐组织者的联系方式包括姓名、地址、电话号码及工作单位等,越详细越方便警察调查。A4b:网站comefromchina.com (CFC) 的拥有者管理者的姓名、办公地点及联系方等,越详细越方便警察调查。A4c:CFC删除了什么由CFC自己公布的公告及回应帖子,如有的网友留底备案或者载图都行,直接作为举报附件,不要给网络链接增加警方调查的工作量。A4d:CFC发布的所有公告、通知及回帖载图,直接写到材料里,不要给网络链接增加警方调查的工作量。A4d:谁用什么具体的ID贴了什么帖子被CFC删除,如有的网友留底备案或者载图都行,直接作为举报附件,不要给网络链接增加警方调查的工作量。A4e:谁的什么具体ID、IP被CFC封禁A4f: 募捐受益人的财政状况如难者工作情况及工作单位提供的人寿保险、遗孀的工作情况、住宅状况等任何有关的财政信息。Q5:还可以举报什么别的内容吗?A5:Ottawa Police的Fraud部门只负责募捐事件的举报和调查,别的比如CFC是否践踏了言论自由、身为公务员的募款组织者是否违反了公务员行为准则,Ottawa Police的Fraud部门不接受这些举报和调查,质疑者可以向有关负责的具体部门举报,比如the CRTC,The Ethics Commissioner of the Parliament, The Ethics Committee of theTreasury Board, the ethics committees of various federal government departments (e.g., CRA, PWGSC), the human resources and personnel departments of various federal government departments.Q6:警方调查后还有什么后续行动?A6:警方调查后判断决定募捐活动的性质,然后决定是否由警方提出刑事公诉。但是,捐款受害人可以通过法庭提出个人或集体民事诉讼(individual/class-action civil lawsuit),诉讼对象由诉讼者决定,比如募捐组织者及CFC。公诉或者民事诉讼是两个独立的司法程序,两者之间没有矛盾和对立,可以同时进行。以上是兄弟在极度惊慌的情况下凭借记忆根据与警官的当面或电话对话而能想起来的。有任何错处如错字别字等,请网友们跟帖斧正;网友们如有什么不明白的地方或者别的补充问题,敬请跟帖提问,兄弟尽可能回答。多谢大家的关心关怀支持爱护保护!兄弟的报警说明:兄弟到现在还遗惊未消!接收到昨天的电子邮件后,兄弟刚开始有点怕,后来更怕,一个晚上都没有睡好。今天越想越怕,感觉事态极端严重才报警寻求警方的安全保护的。募捐事件的举报是接报警官在调查威胁原因后向兄弟提出的。根据接报警官的个人信息,警局已经接获很多举报,但因为是分散的,警局在兄弟举报前没有立案,所以不能给举报者发出案例号码,但举报人可以打电话去警局跟进了解举报进程。接获兄弟的举报后,Fraud部门主管确定立案调查,发出了案例号码。所以,敬请接下来举报的捐款受害者指出已经立案的案例号码,减轻警局收集处理汇总资料进行调查等的工作量。
Dear xxx,The truth has been repeatedly told to you and you choose not to listen to it. Mr. Yue Liu is dead and his family is still in mourning, but you choose tohurt them even more. What makes you so angry? What makes you believe the whole world cheated you? The only reason I can think of is that you are blinded by your own pain and suffering. You have been feeling hurtful since you were banned from CFC, and your self-respect was damaged. I can totally imagine that and sympathizewith you. However, you use the deceased, his family, and the good-willed volunteers to vent your anger. One day you will open your heart and realize how pitiful these actions are.Do you realize that your actions are creating unnecessary drama for others to watch? You dragged the victims of the tragedy and volunteers to your drama. And you do not seem to care. This is my last email to you and I have blocked your email address. Your behavior has severely affected my personal and professional life. I will consult my lawyer for further legal advice. If you want to reach me, you can send me a letter to [size=12.727272033691406px]PO Box 44565, [size=12.727272033691406px]Ottawa, ON K2J 0P9. If my lawyer wishes to contact you forfurther notice, he will contact you by mail. I found your address through Google.I pray that you can open your heart as soon as possible and I will always have good wishes towards you.God bless you.Your friend,Andy
Chinese Canadians want and deserve to be told the truth,the whole truth, andnothing but the truth, and so do all Canadians--- An open letter to all Canadians from Chinese Canadians (draft, please comment and forget about final editing for now, thanks folks )“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” --- Abraham Lincoln· Background1. There has recently been a large-scale fund-raising effort in Ottawa tohelp a family, which suffered a regrettable loss while vacationing in Cuba,Mr. Yue Liu was drowned to death while playing with his kids in the ocean, first in the local Chinese community via the online website comefromchina.com (CFC hereafter) and then nationally after the widow appeared on nationalTV (i.e., CBC/CTV).2. Donations across the globe poured in. As of March 26, more than 850 people have donated, according to a family friend and English-media Spokesman, Andy Wang, “a member of the Liu family’s Centrepointe communityand taught Connor kung-fu at age five” (“Local man drowns in Cuba”, Nepean-Barrhaven News, April 3, 2014, p.1).3. The original call for donations as posted on CFC asked for donations to help repatriate the body from Cuba back to Ottawa for burial, as the family did not purchase any travel/life/mortgage insurance. “The Canadian consular office indicates it will cost upwards of $10,000 to send Liu home to Canada to be buried. With the funeral costs, the Liu family is looking atan estimated $30,000 in expenses.” (Nepean-BarrhavenNews, April 3, 2014, p. 1). According to CFC updates, the national drive collected close to $90,000 before being stopped by the CFC fundraising committee, which posted a note on the site. Funds were still received after the drive was stopped due to mail delays.4. According to some CFC posts, the couple are both employees of the federal government with life insurance death benefits worthy of two-year salaries, which are a lump-sum payment and upon which no income taxes are levied. Additionally, the CPP (Canadian Pension Plans) provides death benefits and survivor benefits. Moreover, the family owns a single house in an upscale neighbourhood. As such, some CFC posters started to raise red flags about this nation-wide fundraising effort. Subsequently, a heated debate was started on CFC. CFC decided to repeatedly delete posts that question the whole matter, ban posters, and ban discussions altogether in the name of protecting the family privacy.5. According to CFC, the committee has proposed that 20% of the collectedfunds would be spent on the repatriation of the body and funeral costs, 20%to support Liu’saging parents in Beijing, 30% to establish educational funds for each of the children.This proposal for donation use was in direct contrast to the original call for donations, which was to help transport Liu’s body back to Ottawa from Cuba. 6. CFC also posted a note stating that those who want their donations backmay do so within 7 days with a request being sent to the committee. Subsequently, the family posted an open letter on CFC. While thanking all donors and helping hands, the open letter also reveals that the body would be cremated in Cuba rather than being repatriated back to Ottawa. Furthermore, the Cuban authority has declined the family’s request to even being at the sight of cremation. This open letter has caused a tremendous amount of confusions and anger among CFC posters. Heated debates and discussions started again and were once again shut down by the online website.7. Consequently, rumours are circulating widely and fast. At the root bottom of the heated debates and rumours lies a question that begs for an unambiguous answer, “Is this ascam”?· What are the pressing issues?1. “Is this a scam”? We ordinary Chinese Canadians, mostly working very hard to make a living and without legal knowledge, cannot answer this pressing question.2. Nonetheless, one thing is for sure and that is that this widely- and fast-circulating “scam” rumour has badly damaged the Chinese reputation inOttawa and across the country. Due to cultural differences and language barriers, among others, we are often collectively referred to by others as Chinese rather than each individually.3. Does CFC’s repeated banning discussions and debates violate freedom of speech? Again, we ordinary Chinese Canadians do not have an answer to this pressing question, which causes heated debates in and of itself. · What do we Chinese Canadians want?We Chinese Canadians want and deserve to be told the truth, the whole truth,and nothing but the truth, nothing more, nothing less, and so do all Canadians, such that our good name is not collectively tainted and associated with even the very remote suspicion and/or possibility of a scam.As such, we humbly and openly request the following:1. Is what the widow said in her open letter (i.e., Cuban authorities declined the family's request to be at the sight of cremation true? If that is indeed the case, that amounts, in our humble opinion, to a Canadian diplomacy failure and the ultimate insult on humanity. If that is the case, we Chinese Canadians demand the Canadian government to provide a satisfacoryexplanation to all Canadians as we frequently vacate in Cuba. Who knows what may happen. The next one could be me or anyone among us. I don't know about others but I for one surely don't want to receive that kind of inhumantreatment after I die.2.The national media, especially CBC and CTV, which, after all, interviewedthe widow in the first place to launch the national donation drive, launch a thorough investigation into and report on this matter so that all Canadians to be told the truth and henceforth the good name Chinese is unambiguously and rightfully cleared and restored.3.Police authorities launch a thorough investigation into this matter to ensure that there is no scam involved, with which the good Chinese reputation has inevitably been rumoured to be associated and henceforth to be unambiguously and rightfully cleared and restored.4.Police authorities launch a thorough investigation into CFC’s repeated banning discussions and debates to ensure that Canadians’ freedom of speechis not violated in a public online forum or otherwise. At the end of the day, we Chinese Canadians want our good reputation to be unambiguously and rightfully cleared and restored. We thank, in advance, each and every one who is helping with this seriously damagingmatter. We attach below some donation-related contact information that appeared in the call for donations to facilitate contacting.· Who are the donation-related contacts?1.Wenjuan Song and Lei Zhang, phone: 613-983-8366, Liu’s neighbours and family friends, the donation call originators2.Riven Zhang, phone: 613-225-4526, a CFC fundraising committee member and Spokesman for the Chinese media3.Andy Wang, phone: 613-986-9264, the liaison with Foreign Affairs and the Canadian Consulate General to Cuba, the writer/translator of the English call for donations, and Spokesman for the English media To conclude, this incident and subsequent rumours have badly divided the local Chinese community and even worse, badly damaged the good Chinese reputation. We Chinese Canadians request relevant authorities to help us getting this seriously dividing and damaging matter resolved such that our Chinese reputation can be unambiguously, rightfully, and respectfully cleared and restored in Ottawa, across the country and internationally. We thank all very much for offering to help.
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