加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息渥太华市中心请全职/兼职收银员
Ottawa Downtown Rideau Centre Thai Express hiring full time/ part time cashiers 渥太华市中心购物中心泰餐请全职/兼职收银员薪资按照安省基本工资小费,加拿大退休金计划、失业金保险、假期工资和节日工资Ontario minimum wage tips, Canada Pension Plan, EI, vacation and holiday.全部按照安省劳工法要求,工作时间内可享受免费午餐/晚餐或free meal带走(根据上班时间而定)。Offering free lunch/ dinner depending on the working schedule.要求能够长期工作,英文流利反应迅速,对待顾客和蔼亲切,工作勤力务实,必须有工卡!!!We are looking for someone who will work on a long term basis, hard worker and good people skills, English speaking and listening are required, SIN number is necessary.有意者请发短信到819-329-6086联系面试。Serious candidate please text message to:819-329-6086.短信联系时间:Monday-Friday 10:00-20:00
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