加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息夏城的冬天和多伦多比哪个更不好一些呢?
移民这件事,那可真叫是------一言难尽。 超赞 赏 J jasmine-qlq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0462006-08-26#2 多伦多气温低很多
来听听, 了解一下先
But Halifax has more snow than Toronto...
移民这件事,那可真叫是------一言难尽。就是担心冬天太冷,听说有零下20几度呢!点击展开...The thing is not how cold the winter is but how long it lasts.Halifax has almost no spring, short summer, beautiful fall and half year winter.When people in other part of the north america are enjoying the beauty of spring, we are still in winter, it's so so long and so depressing. That's why people treasure every moment of summer.People stay indoor most of the winter, so that -20C is not a big deal. But still you long for the warmth from sun shine, longer season for your flowers and all kinds of outdoor activitiesBut don't be intimidated... be prepared.
faint! Half year winter!!
10.18.10: 短登温哥华03.29.11:长登温哥华 超赞 赏 前生为鱼Moderator 0$(VIP 0,#492) 5,4442006-09-13#8 了解下...
duoying 说:faint! Half year winter!!点击展开...听说卡尔加里已经开始下雪了,冬季7个月
[FN: 09.28.2006,我所知道查过我资料的VO: ROW, LCY, [TCW])1.7寄IELTS成绩,1.16签发补料信, 3.17交补料; 看来明年春天能走就不错了......作难民以前,have a good time while you can.I'm destined to be his momma, and I'm doing the best as I can.The thing is not how cold the winter is but how long it lasts.Halifax has almost no spring, short summer, beautiful fall and half year winter.When people in other part of the north america are enjoying the beauty of spring, we are still in winter, it's so so long and so depressing. That's why people treasure every moment of summer.People stay indoor most of the winter, so that -20C is not a big deal. But still you long for the warmth from sun shine, longer season for your flowers and all kinds of outdoor activitiesBut don't be intimidated... be prepared.点击展开... If you are looking for a place with a lot of sunshine and a long summer season so that you can enjoy flowers and have outdoor activities, Canada probably is not the best choice for you. And also it depends on what kind of outdoor activities that you are looking for in winter. There are plenty of outdoor activities here, like skating and skiing. I know different people have different preferences. But I think -20C does matter a lot if you are waiting for a bus or the coolant of your car freezes and you cannot start the car in such a weather. The weather in Halifax is mild but it doesn't mean there is no spring here. You can still see the tree leaves grow and turn green gradually during the time. And it also depends on how you define summer. If you want the weather which is over 30 degrees and makes you sweat a lot, probably you won't be able to find "summer" in Halifax at all. You feel depressed due to the long winter here. But as I know, when it has already started snowing in Ontario or Quebec, we are still enjoying the beautiful fall in Halifax. And the winter almost ends at the same time here, except for those sudden weather changes which could make you feel the "spring".
Halifax is the 2nd best city in weather, next to Vancouver
chnnasdaq 说:Halifax is the 2nd best city in weather, next to Vancouver点击展开... 我也是这样听说才关注这个地方的。
2006.9.10 DHL到HK。2006.9.11 签收。2006.10.17 划款。2007.2.12 FN 超赞 赏 H hytown 0$(VIP 0) 332007-01-09#13 这个冬天真暖和,呵呵我今年10月从多伦多搬过来的,觉得这里冬天的气候确实比多伦多暖和,和我来之前人家告诉我的(那些人大部分都没在这里生活过,可能夏天来玩过)刚好相反,不过这里的雨水比多伦多要多
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