加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么
求教个问题,我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么?还是要重新在考一个? 谢谢了!!!
回复: 我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么下面的联结可能对你有所帮助. http://www.gov.ns.ca/snsmr/paal/rmv/paal269.asp 从上面联结摘的: "People who have a valid regular Driver's Licence from another province or territory of Canada can usually exchange their licence for A Nova Scotia Driver's Licence, and they do not have to take a road test (Driving Examination). This applies to Class 5 licences (see classes of licences at the start of this section). For information on the rules covering other classes of driver's licences, contact the Department Canada: People who have a valid regular Driver's Licence from another province or territory of Canada can usually exchange their licence for A Nova Scotia Driver's Licence, and they do not have to take a road test (Driving Examination). This applies to Class 5 licences (see classes of licences at the start of this section). For information on the rules covering other classes of driver's licences, contact the Department "注意以上规定只限于Class 5 驾照即正式驾照, 并不适用于G系列.
回复: 我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么你只需要把它换成Nova Scotia class 7 (learner's licence),并交$25.25就可以了。并不需要重考。
回复: 我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么谢谢诸位了啊!!!
回复: 我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么你只需要把它换成Nova Scotia class 7 (learner's licence),并交$25.25就可以了。并不需要重考。点击展开... 那请问我要是考了NS省的G2照,能拿到BC省去用吗?
回复: 我在安省获得的GI执照,到HALIFAX还能用么有用的帖子,顶一个
2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life那请问我要是考了NS省的G2照,能拿到BC省去用吗?点击展开...这个我就不知道了。 建议你到BC的坛子里问一问。
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