加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有这事吗,诸位?


加拿大3所学校受炸弹威胁被迫关闭http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年05月17日23:51 新华网  新华网快讯:据加拿大电视台17日报道,加东部港城哈利法克斯当天有三所学校因受到炸弹等威胁而被迫关闭,数千学生紧急撤离。

申请就象怀孕,煎熬中期盼;但到了日子总会瓜熟蒂落。 而登陆才是呱呱坠地, 手忙脚乱中彼此磨合,共同成长 -----从此你要花费一生的心血去承担你自己做出的选择 超赞 赏 alex_lz2005 0$(VIP 0) 11,8592007-05-17#2 回复: 有这事吗,诸位?ztPolice search Halifax schools after threatOLIVER MOOREGlobe and Mail CupdateMay 17, 2007 at 2:43 PM EDTHALIFAX — Thousands of students got the day off after a series of threats led to the temporary closing of three Halifax-area high schools.Police bomb dogs were searching the buildings Thursday and the school board here was uncertain whether the schools would be back open before the long weekend.According to both police and the board, a student at Auburn Drive High School found a written threat this morning in one of the school bathrooms. The threat made reference to a bomb set to go off at a specific time this morning, said board spokesman Doug Hadley.The school was cleared and the 1,200-strong student body was brought to a nearby community centre.VideosRCMPRCMP respond in HalifaxCpl. Joe Taplin, Halifax district RCMP, on CTVThe Globe and MailShortly after, an employee at nearby Cole Harbour High School received a telephone call warning about a bomb there. The school too was cleared and the students brought to the same community centre.Students from Cole Harbour high said they were in class when an announcement on the public address system told them to evacuate to Cole Harbour Place, a community centre next to the school.“They just said, ‘Take your stuff, don't go to your lockers, exit the building,' and everyone just came here,” said James Cardey, a 16-year-old Grade 11 student from Lawrencetown, N.S.“There were people just running everywhere.”Asked if he was frightened by what happened, he said: “Not really, I don't even think it's true.”With bomb-sniffing dogs examining both schools and no sense how long the search would take, the board opted to let the roughly 2,500 students have the remainder of the day off.“We're not too surprised ... past history has shown that when there are threats of traumatic events in public institutions you see copycats,” Mr. Hadley said, pointing out that a school in Fredericton had faced a bomb scare earlier this week.A local RCMP spokesman said that those behind the bomb threats can expect to be prosecuted.Another school in the area was also closed today. A notice went out last night that Lockview High School, in nearby Fall River, would be closed because of a specific threat of violence.With a report from Canadian Press

回复: 有这事吗,诸位?关注中,希望不会是真的。

回复: 有这事吗,诸位?关注中

2007年6月FNVO:TCW 自评68分 超赞 赏 Natacha 0$(VIP 0) 2,3462007-05-18#5 回复: 有这事吗,诸位?不会吧?

回复: 有这事吗,诸位?zt Police search Halifax schools after threat OLIVER MOORE Globe and Mail Cupdate May 17, 2007 at 2:43 PM EDT HALIFAX ― Thousands of students got the day off after a series of threats led to the temporary closing of three Halifax-area high schools. Police bomb dogs were searching the buildings Thursday and the school board here was uncertain whether the schools would be back open before the long weekend. According to both police and the board, a student at Auburn Drive High School found a written threat this morning in one of the school bathrooms. The threat made reference to a bomb set to go off at a specific time this morning, said board spokesman Doug Hadley. The school was cleared and the 1,200-strong student body was brought to a nearby community centre.VideosRCMP RCMP respond in Halifax Cpl. Joe Taplin, Halifax district RCMP, on CTVThe Globe and Mail Shortly after, an employee at nearby Cole Harbour High School received a telephone call warning about a bomb there. The school too was cleared and the students brought to the same community centre. Students from Cole Harbour high said they were in class when an announcement on the public address system told them to evacuate to Cole Harbour Place, a community centre next to the school. “They just said, ‘Take your stuff, don't go to your lockers, exit the building,' and everyone just came here,” said James Cardey, a 16-year-old Grade 11 student from Lawrencetown, N.S. “There were people just running everywhere.” Asked if he was frightened by what happened, he said: “Not really, I don't even think it's true.” With bomb-sniffing dogs examining both schools and no sense how long the search would take, the board opted to let the roughly 2,500 students have the remainder of the day off. “We're not too surprised ... past history has shown that when there are threats of traumatic events in public institutions you see copycats,” Mr. Hadley said, pointing out that a school in Fredericton had faced a bomb scare earlier this week. A local RCMP spokesman said that those behind the bomb threats can expect to be prosecuted. Another school in the area was also closed today. A notice went out last night that Lockview High School, in nearby Fall River, would be closed because of a specific threat of violence. With a report from Canadian Press点击展开... 只有"canadian press" 有报道,还有其他的报纸有相关的报道吗?

回复: 有这事吗,诸位?没听说

欢迎大家访问我的博客!记得留言俄!http://toann.spaces.live.com/如果喜欢我的帖子,就请在左下银色的小天平图标上点一下,出现对话框后,点“增加声望”,谢谢! 超赞 赏 toann 0$(VIP 0) 7252007-05-21#8 回复: 有这事吗,诸位?这回听说了,是真的。警察还没抓住那个坏蛋呢!

欢迎大家访问我的博客!记得留言俄!http://toann.spaces.live.com/如果喜欢我的帖子,就请在左下银色的小天平图标上点一下,出现对话框后,点“增加声望”,谢谢! 超赞 赏 S suyee 0$(VIP 0) 1712007-06-02#9 回复: 有这事吗,诸位?真是怕怕,希望坏蛋快快落网

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