加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有一个华协活动,12.7,Christmas Potluck party
又一个华协活动,12.7,Christmas Potluck partyChineseSociety of Nova ScotiaChristmasPot Luck Party (December2006) Welcome…Last checkbefore start…Hmm…everything looks good.RegistrationPreparing onStageExecutivesSinging Christmas SongsSanta iscoming…Cannotwait…Gifts fromSanta Korea Dance JasmineFlowers JasmineFlowers 2Are youready to pick the lucky number? Lucky man…Lucky man…Lucky Boy…Fun with gameand prize…What arethey looking at?DeliciousFood Busy inKitchenReady toServe…Finally itis the time.Big Party,Good Chatting… Can’t lose a chance to play... Thank youand see you next year!
回复: 有一个华协活动,12.7,Christmas Potluck party[华协活动]12.7号周六Christmans Potluck party(就在SMU附近)12.7号周六Christmans Potluck party(就在SMU附近),希望了解或者参加的朋友可以与我联系.Dear CSNS members,Time has come up for our annual Christmas Potluck Party. The party will be heldatCanadian Martyr's Church, 5900 Inglis St., Halifaxfrom 5:00pm to 8:30pmon Saturday Dec. 8thAs usual, we will have some activities and gifts for the kids, some performanceand mostly a big gourmet homemade meal. Please come with your family, meet andcatch up with your fellow members and enjoy.We are expecting food for following categories,肉類 (Pork, Beef, Seafood or Chicken)炒面或炒粉 (Chow Mien or Chow Fun)炒飯 (Fried rice)蔬菜 (Vegetables)面食(飽子,餃子) (Dumplings or Buns)最好每家都帶些 DessertCSNS executives will follow up a phone call with each one of you to confirm thenumber of people of your family that coming and what foods youwill bring. Here are some notes to consider,1. You are welcome to bring more than one type of food. However, based onprevious experience, we suggest you should plan the amount of your food for oneEXTRA person. (I guess we all eat more when having companies. After all we areChinese Canadians so that we can not afford risking our reputation by lettinganyone leave the dinner without an overflowed belly )2. Please arrive on time to allow some time for arranging and presenting thefood.3. Please consider to volunteer some of your time to help out. (There is a lotof work involved to prepare and clean up; and please contact Angie fordetails.)4. Please spread the word to anyone you know. You are welcome to bring anyonewho is interested. However, since there will be expenses to CSNS, we have tocharge a $2.00 per person fee to non-members. (We will have registration formsat the door, so it will be a good time to join.)Looking forward to meeting youCSNS Executives
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