加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有哪位大侠比较了解stmary大学的金融硕士专业啊?希望指点一下!


本人想到Halifax的stmary去读金融专业硕士,有哪位朋友比较了解这个学校或者这个专业的能不能指点一下.这个专业据说这是加拿大唯一的专业性金融硕士的学校(其他为研究型专业),但不知在加就业情况如何,然后具体入学的要求好像也不是很高,我网站上查了一下: Admission Requirements Requirements for admission in to the Master of Finance are: Four year university degree in mathematics, engineering, physics, economics or other mathematical disciplineB average (75%) or higher in undergraduate studiesFor students not receiving their undergraduate degree from an English-speaking university, we require:a TOEFL score of at least 550 on the paper based TOEFL and of 213 on the computerized TOEFL exam;A minimum score of 80 on the Michigan examination (MELAB)an average of 4.5 on the Saint Mary's administered CanTEST;a minimum score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)Two letters of reference•Successful interview with Saint Mary's University representativeEnrolment is limited. Preference will be given to candidates who exceed the above minimums and those who have relevant work experience. The GMAT is not required, but will be considered as an asset. 希望如果已经就读该专业或者该专业毕业,或者了解该专业的朋友给点建议!不胜感激!

回复: 有哪位大侠比较了解stmary大学的金融硕士专业啊?希望指点一下!本人想到Halifax的stmary去读金融专业硕士,有哪位朋友比较了解这个学校或者这个专业的能不能指点一下.这个专业据说这是加拿大唯一的专业性金融硕士的学校(其他为研究型专业),但不知在加就业情况如何,然后具体入学的要求好像也不是很高,我网站上查了一下: Admission Requirements Requirements for admission in to the Master of Finance are: Four year university degree in mathematics, engineering, physics, economics or other mathematical disciplineB average (75%) or higher in undergraduate studiesFor students not receiving their undergraduate degree from an English-speaking university, we require:a TOEFL score of at least 550 on the paper based TOEFL and of 213 on the computerized TOEFL exam;A minimum score of 80 on the Michigan examination (MELAB)an average of 4.5 on the Saint Mary's administered CanTEST;a minimum score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)Two letters of reference•Successful interview with Saint Mary's University representativeEnrolment is limited. Preference will be given to candidates who exceed the above minimums and those who have relevant work experience. The GMAT is not required, but will be considered as an asset. 希望如果已经就读该专业或者该专业毕业,或者了解该专业的朋友给点建议!不胜感激!点击展开...老公在夏城找到一份工作,我也希望能到此读金融专业,也期待朋友的指点!

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