加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息halifax --in my memory


i spent almost one year in halifax before moving to USA for my MBA program, then kept moving from one city to another in USA for jobs. Todaynow, i still can recall most of monments in halifax, i even think about the city much more than my hometown in China. the life in halifax comparing to the one in US and China was really enjoybale and with little pressure. Actually, i seriously consider moving back to there after retirement, or buy a summer house along the NS coast. please enjoy each moment with your fammilies while living over there. you will miss it once you move away.

回复: halifax --in my memory欢迎回来,最好别等到退休那么晚

2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 H hisddm 0$(VIP 0) 32009-01-04#3 回复: halifax --in my memoryi was living close to purcell's cove. in summer, i aways went to there and slept on the top of rock watching deep blue sky and counting clouds. this is my major recreation during that one gold summer. sometime, i just park my car in one of the beatiful beaches then felt into sleep while listening to vioces of waves. i have a great english tutor over there and she help me a lot. however, there were still sometings i did not like. everything was much more expensive than US except seafoods. housing cost is too high comparing income after tax; child has to stay indoor for over 7 months. car insurance was really ridiculus high, it was over $2000 as i remeber. in US, it may just cost $200 with the same type car. but i understand that these negative sides were just trade off for laid back lives. we could walk couple miles after dinner along coast but never do that again in US.

回复: halifax --in my memorya coin has two side

回复: halifax --in my memory我们欢迎您能回来走下,重温您的快乐夏日。

回复: halifax --in my memoryyes, i have a list for that expecting summer 1, buy snow crabs at a store besides bedford hwy2, eat buffalo wings at a store close to downtown3, watch international parade4, watch high boat at watre front5, sleep again at purcell's cove6, take a look at my previous aprt building7, drive my fammilies to cape breton8, and many

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