加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何办工卡(sin 卡)?
妻子来这边探亲,想找临时工作,请问大家是不是先要办open work permit,然后再办sin卡就可以工作了?
回复: 如何办工卡(sin 卡)?我的情况和这个不一样。我第一份工作不需要work permit,所以要出示雇主信才能办sin卡。Once you have obtained your work permit, you may apply for a Social Insurance Number from Service Canada. It is recommended you apply in person for the card and allow three weeks for processing.Location:Service Canada7001 Mumford Road, Halifax Shopping Centre, Tower 2Phone: (902) 426-9617Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pmEmployers must ask to see the SIN card of all new employees as soon as they are hired. However, the employee may show the card within three days of the start date of employment and may work during the waiting period (i.e. the three days).For more information on applying for a SIN, please consult the Service Canada web page http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/sin/index.shtml
I love Wade Wilson, a.k.a Deadpool. 超赞 赏 R remotesensing 0$(VIP 0) 52009-03-10#3 回复: 如何办工卡(sin 卡)?To yanqiqi: 谢谢你得回复!顺便问一下,你得帖子中说shopping center那里可以办sin卡,具体位置在哪里?
回复: 如何办工卡(sin 卡)?应该是拿了work permit就可以办sin卡,然后被雇佣的时候要在三天内提供sin number。我记得办这个是当天就可以拿到号,过段时间可以收到寄来的卡,拿到号就可以开始工作了。Tower2是在商场2楼有条走廊,进去以后有电梯可以上到2楼,好像是205,一进去就能找到。
I love Wade Wilson, a.k.a Deadpool. 超赞 赏 R remotesensing 0$(VIP 0) 52009-03-11#5 回复: 如何办工卡(sin 卡)?太感谢了!
回复: 如何办工卡(sin 卡)?LZ,我给你回的短信发不出去,可能因为你是刚注册的原因吧,就在这儿回你一下:我没开始办open work permit呢,因为我的护照快到期了,我准备等换了护照后再说,所以我也不知道会需要多长时间,至于要提交的资料你可以到CIC网站上去看一看,应该比较简单。
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