加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?
回复: [求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?老家邮寄来一个无线网路由器,但怎么都无法工作,初步怀疑是电压不同导致的。(说明书里反复强调一定要使用匹配电源,即220V电源)想买一个转压器,该去哪里买呢?大概多少钱?点击展开... 可以去Futureshop或者Bestbuy看看。不过,估计转压器的价格不会比路由器便宜,不如买个路由器了。而且,不是选择了哪个网络公司都会给你免费安装无线路由么?公司会提供给你的。
2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 tianyou518 0$(VIP 0) 1382010-04-06#3 回复: [求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?Aliant的猫儿就带无线路由功能,Eastlink不太清楚
超赞 赏 T&W稀里糊涂 0$(VIP 0) 2,3772010-04-06#4 回复: [求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?Eastlink 也一样
2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 sabre 175$(VIP 0,#15) 85,0652010-04-07#5 回复: [求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.14322
回复: [求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?Pros: Swings both ways - can convert from 220 to 110 and from 110 to 220. The socket on the back can accept both American/Japanese and European plugs (see picture in the description) The prongs on the input side are non-polarised , non-grounded parallel blades (like in USA, Canada, Japan). Work with all us/jp sockets. Cons: Too easy to switch incorrectly. The voltage shown near the switch is the INPUT VOLTAGE. Watch out when connecting. The prongs are American/Japanese only, so an adapter will be needed to use this in Europe. (DX sells those too). Low power (only 80W). Good for one dvd player OR one small TV, most probably not for both at the same time. Other Thoughts: If you buy the Euro to US prongs adapter, check the Euro prongs to see if they fit YOUR socked. Grounded sockets in Europe need thicker prongs. DX sells both thick and thin adapters, just buy the correct one (or both, if you don't know in advance what to expect). When in Europe NEVER set the input switch to 110 (you risk frying the transformer AND sending 440V down to the 110V appliance). Bottomline: One less barrier in carrying small appliences overseas. Again DO WATCH THAT INPUT SWITCH or risk badly frying the appliance and the transformer.
回复: [求助]HFX哪里可以买到110V转220V的转压器?直接从电脑的电源里引出12V直流电压能用了。
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