加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息窃喜一下
2007.9.29HalifaxNew choice, new life 超赞 赏 Atlantic 0$(VIP 0,#445) 4222010-07-06#2 回复: 窃喜一下渥太华发布高温警告, 未来几天可能会持续高温40度 www.comefromchina.com OTTAWA Ottawa's medical officer of health has issued a heat warning for the city, urging residents to try to stay cool as sweltering temperatures continue to heat up the capital. A heat warning is automatically declared when Environment Canada forecasts a humidex of at least 40 C for two consecutive days. The temperature alone is expected to reach a high of 33 C Monday and 34 C Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Extreme heat can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death. Children, those who are ill, the homeless and the elderly should take extra precautions, said Dr. Isra Levy, the medical officer of health. "Heat is hardest on the elderly and chronically ill," he said. "If they have no protection from the heat, such as access to air conditioning and plenty of fluids, they can develop serious health effects and even die."Those taking anti-Parkinson medications and anti-depressants are also at increased risk.
回复: 窃喜一下我下周要回国了,哎~~~~
回复: 窃喜一下这两天气温下来点儿了
回复: 窃喜一下我下周要回国了,哎~~~~点击展开...为什么回啊,我还没来呢
步入正轨,继续低调度日,高调做事 超赞 赏 嬉戏蛋蛋 0$(VIP 0) 1202010-07-08#6 回复: 窃喜一下呀,青岛都40度了,朋友说跟洗桑拿没啥两样。
回复: 窃喜一下感觉halifax夏天也比去年热,环境异常是全球现象,如果不重视,倒霉的是全人类。唉。
回复: 窃喜一下话说南京最近倒是挺凉快的。。。
回复: 窃喜一下这几天上海还可以
·生活百科 来自原点的选择性率
·生活百科 太阳能池供暖